My weekend started with an early morning walk with Ashley on Friday. "Early morning" is a relative term - we met at 10:10am. I have written before about Ashley and I taking walks. We have decided to start doing them in the morning to get us both going at a decent time. The theory is that having to be up and dressed somewhere in the morning will help us to be more productive all day. Our experience on Friday, however, does not support this theory.
We walked and talked about horoscopes for a bit, then decided to get a snack at the coffee shop. We ended up sitting there and chatting for an hour or something. We then toured through some interesting stores that have things that we can't afford to buy. Even when you're broke, it's still fun to look around. We went to the Retro clothing store, where I found a pair of bright red corduroy pants in my size. For those who don't know, I have an obsession with the colour red and an obsession with corduroy. However, I resisted the siren call of the pants and forced myself through the practical tirade - I don't need pants, what would I wear with them, they're so impractical, etc.
Ashley and I also ran errands where we bought stuff we needed. After hitting the grocery store we headed back up the hill. We decided to split a block of tofu, since they are too large to get through in a week when you live by yourself. Splitting the tofu meant that Ashley came up to my apartment. It was very hot by this time in the afternoon, so I offered her a drink. The next time I looked at my watch it was almost 5pm. We were appalled that we had spent the day in such an unproductive fashion. It was a lot of fun, though. It also helped to kill time on a Friday. I have found that since Friday has become the day that
Zenon comes to visit, I've become unable to concentrate on anything and instead bounce off the walls until he gets here. At least this past Friday I bounced in a more fun fashion than usual.
About an hour after Ashley left, Zenon arrived with flowers. I forgave him for being early (being early is bad because it throws off my schedule and leaves me not enough time to clean the apartment) because a)I was happy to see him and b) how can you stay mad at someone who brings you a gorgeous bouquet? It's almost worth not seeing him for a week at a time just for us to be so happy to see each other when we do get together. Almost worthwhile, but not really.
Saturday Zenon and I went to Halifax. He bought tools while I thumbed through gardening books. Then we went out for lunch and down to the waterfront to walk around. It was a great time. We have so much fun together. While down at the waterfront, there was a lady busking with a cello. Busking with a cello is an interesting enough thing to do, but she was really really good. We sat to listen for a while. It was just so neat to be walking around the waterfront where it's all crowded and touristy and stuff and then have this woman playing these peaceful, melancholy tunes on her cello. It was like a little haven of sound. Zenon made a video of her with his digital camera. We then went into the Maritime Museum and learned all about boats.
After the museum and some more walking around, we hit a video store on our way out of town and bought movies. I got Down with Love, which I enjoy because it's a send up of the Doris Day/Rock Hudson movies which I quite like. I have yet to watch it, but plan on doing that tonight. Saturday night was a gathering at Janice's. That was quite fun as well. I've learned that I seem to have lost what little alcohol tolerance I've built up. On Saturday it was probably just because I didn't really have supper until I was at the party, and then I should have drank more water. However, it's still annoying. I spent much of my time at the party with Ashley, who was trying to talk me into crazy schemes like getting a tattoo. Now that I'm sober, I feel much less inclined to take her advice.
Today Zenon and I watched The Mummy, which I'd never seen before. It was better than I was expecting. I liked the character of Evelyn and her intelligent bookishness. Tonight I got my mail and found out that my credit card credit limit has been doubled without my asking for it. I will take this as a sign of having a good credit rating. This increased credit is sure to come in handy for certain future endeavours which are still only theoretical but will hopefully one day exist in real life.
Anyway, that was my weekend. It left me very happy.