Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Hello. I am finished posting pictures for the time being. The only ones I have left from my Mom's visit are of Wolfville and me in Wolfville, which I think I will save for later when my blog becomes filled with words again. I hope that you enjoyed my scenery pics. I enjoyed sharing them with you.

I don't have much to report tonight, actually. Zenon visited again this weekend, though he was only able to stay for one night. We went to Ross's for a bit on Friday night. We saw the last half of Back to the Future 2. I now feel a burning desire to see the first half and to watch Back to the Future 3. It is becoming an obsession. I may need to make a trip to the video store soon.

My other video joy lately has come from watching Harvey Birdman cartoons, which I am really liking; however I do feel that they would be improved if I had someone to watch them with and to giggle along with me.

The reason that Zenon couldn't stay for the whole weekend was that he had a wedding to go to. I'm using that fact as a rare segue to mention that Diana got married on Friday. This is the wedding that I was lamenting about missing earlier. Diana is, even as I type this, e-mailing pictures. I've heard from various sources that all went well and it was very lovely. I'm still sad to have missed it, but pictures are always fun.

Oh, my Mom made it safely back to Ontario, which is good. She called me last night. Probably none of you were worried about that, but I was a bit.

Tonight Ashley and I went for a walk. We strolled through the Irving Botanical Gardens, which was lovely and not as buggy as I'd been fearing. We then wandered around a woodsy area on the way back to her place for a bit, which was similarly pretty, relaxing, and not buggy. We then, in typical Ashley and Heidi fashion, sat around chatting about random things for a few hours. I tried to leave, and we ended up standing in the parking lot for another hour doing more chatting. We have agreed that we both need to do more social activities and so are planning some together.

That is all I have to say for now. My eyes are itchy from being around Ashley's cats and my patience with staring at the computer screen is waning. I'm sorry that this entry lacked flair, but flair is hard to envision through red itchy eyes.


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