Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pictures of Fort Mac

Here are some pictures of various parts of town, for those of you who are curious about what it looks like up here. I took them all from the community website. None of them are from our camera.

Here is kind of a back view of my part of town. Our apartment building is in the upper centre part of this picture, to the left of the towers.

This is just a view that I drive by everyday off the side of the bridge. It's a nice photo of it.

This is an overhead photo of the bridge that connects the downtown area with the northern residential neighbourhoods. I drive over this bridge to get to work. Our building is in this picture too.
This is a view of Gregoire Lake, which is just south of town. Brad and I drove past it on our roommate date, and it was beautiful. It actually looked almost exactly the same then as it does in this picture, even though this picture is from someone else.

This is another view of the bridge from the other side. This picture seems to be from winter, or perhaps river break in the spring.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Heidi yesterday:

Where nausea, PMS and 2 major job-related screwups intersect.

Man, what a bad day.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Finally, more pictures

Here, at last, are the other pictures that I promised you. I don't have any scenery ones yet. I'll maybe go on a scenery tour this weekend. These are of my knitting projects thus far.

This is my purse that I made without a pattern. It was actually quite simple - stockinette stitch all the way through. This purse is popular. I have had 2 people ask me to make one for them. I will, too. I could make another one in less than a week.

Here is my shawl, which was also a rather quick project. Straight garter stitch, lightweight yarn and size 13 needles. I really like how it turned out.

Here is a picture of me wearing the shawl. This was just taken tonight after work. It is not a great picture of me either. I am just not that photogenic. Oh well. Also, Zenon took his time taking the picture, and I didn't know what to do with my face.

That is all I have to say for right now. I will try to get some pictures of me where I look half-decent for a change, if only for my own peace of mind.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Roommate dates rock

On Saturday, Brad and I had our first official roommate date. We have had other unoffical roommate dates before, where one of us says to the other, "Do you want to come with me to the grocery store/Subway/for a walk?" but this was our first planned date. Brad and I decided a couple of weeks ago that the next weekend that he had off, he and I were going to explore some garage sales. That ended up being this weekend. Of course, Brad didn't exactly have it off as he picked up some overtime shifts at work, so he got home at 9am Saturday morning, just in time for us to get out before we missed all the good stuff.

Brad is a bad influence on me. He encouraged me to buy books and CDs that I didn't need, although we found some really good prices. We bought a stack of board games for $9 (Scotland Yard, Fun City, Pit and Lexicon) from a delightful British fellow. All of the games look like they're from the '60s or '70s, which just adds extra coolness. I also bought (at another garage sale) 2 Norton Anthologies for 25 cents each (you English majors will know what a treat this was). At that place, I had a chat with a lady about the goodness of Nortons and literature in general. She is reading Ulysses right now. I got 2 Margaret Atwood novels there too.

Most strange of all, though, was this one place that I went too whose box of books was an expression of me to a frightening degree (rhyming unintentional). In the first box I looked in, I found a Jane Austen book, a Beatles biography (I subsequently found another one in a different box), an Agatha Christie novel and an astrology book. I told the lady there to get out of my head. I think I frightened her a little. I ended up buying the Jane Austen and the Agatha Christie, even though I've read both before and have the Jane Austen one at home. I also picked up The Life of Pi and Tuesdays with Morrie.

On Saturday I also bought my first cup of lemonade from a lemonade stand. The little boy was so adorable. Brad and I couldn't resist.

All this shopping and exploring worked up our appetites (especially since I didn't have time for breakfast before we left, and Brad came off a night shift), so we decided to grab some lunch. Brad had heard some good things about the Duck Inn in Anzac, and I had heard of it too, so we decided to drive down and try it out. It was like something out of a movie. It was exactly what a small town bar/café/liquor store should be. It was dark on the inside, and shabby, though clean, with duck decor everywhere. Classic country was playing on the stereo, and by 12:30 in the afternoon the place was hopping with locals out to get their drink on. I had 2 gin and tonics and some nachos for breakfast. Brad had the more conservative rum and coke and eggs and toast. It was quite the experience, all told.

We drove home after lunch, and neither one of us could keep our eyes open. We lugged our many purchases upstairs, and we both went to bed around 3pm, happy with a morning well spent.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


We finally got a new cable for the digital camera. Here are some miscellaneous pics from the past few months. I will take some more once we get some new batteries for the camera (I know, I know...)

Here is Elmer McSquiggins, our ladybug friend.

This is a not-so-great picture of me in the coat that I got for Christmas. Mom was requesting this one. This was taken at the house that Zenon has been working on for the past number of months.

And the same again.

I will post more pictures soon. I have lots that I want to you show you!

Monday, May 01, 2006

May Day in the Fort

There is a winter storm warning in effect for today, the first day of May. The temperature has been in the 20's most days for the past couple of weeks, but tonight they are calling for snow. Man this placed is messed up.

Speaking of messed up, on Friday we were evacuated from work. In fact, the whole town where I work was evacuated because of a potentially hazardous leak from the oil company next door. The company sent buses into the town to take everyone out. On the way home, we passed by an ambulance with its sirens going, heading into the town we had just left. It was scary. I found out afterwards that it the leak contained trace amounts of ammonia. 3 children were taken to hospital with stomach pains, but everyone else seemed to be OK. Remind me again why we're living here?

In happier news, I have finished 2 knitting projects in the past week or so. Once I can post pictures, I will show them to you. One is a purse and the other that I finished last night is a shawl. This knitting thing is very cool.

I am at work, and need to technically start doing stuff in about 5 minutes, so I'd best sign off now before my boss gets here. As much as my job doesn't do it for me, I'd still like to have one tomorrow.