Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Biking around the cul-de-sac

What a busy week we are having! Between house showings (our landlords are selling our house) and vacuum cleaner demonstrations and houseguests (hi Connor!) and bike buying, I am very ready for this upcoming weekend. Last weekend wasn't too restful between trade shows and house showings and drinks and karaoke on Saturday night (hi Mike!) and guests on Sunday night (hi Benguy and Bengirl!). I can't wait until our house just gets sold so that we can stop keeping it picture perfect - though to be honest, the more showings there are, the less picture perfect it's getting. It would also be nice to know whether we have to move or if our rent is changing or anything unpleasant like that. I hope that we get to stay. I like where we're living.

As you can see from the picture, Zenon and I bought bicycles. We have been thinking about doing this for a while. Now that the weather's nicer, you see families out biking in the evenings all the time, and it looks like so much fun. We bought the cheapest ones in the store. They are such old people bikes, but I love it. They are definitely just tooling around town bikes, and not speed racers or mountain climbers, but that's all good. We went on our second bike ride tonight. Man am I out of shape! Not for too much longer, though, now that I have my bike to play with.

Me on my hot rod
Originally uploaded by likeamemoryitfalls.

Zenon and I bought the coolest vacuum cleaner last night. It is one of those ones that use water as a filter and double as an air purifier. Man, is it ever nifty! I never thought I'd have so much fun vacuuming. It's so powerful!

I guess that's all I wanted to say. I mostly just wanted to post pics of the bicycles so that you could see us in all of our geeky (but soon to be very in-shape) glory.


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