Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Heidi in the town of stars

Hello. Here I am in Stellarton. I arrived Wednesday night after 6 hours of being in transit. The trip down wasn't bad. I read my new Harry Potter book and looked at the scenery and dozed a bit.

Yesterday I had a mini-adventure. I decided to take Lewis the dog for a walk in the afternoon. I thought that we would be gone for about half an hour or so. However, (and this should surprise nobody) I got us lost. Lewis was probably not as lost as I was. Our 30 minute walk turned into a 2 hour and 30 minute walk. We ended up in the next town over. I did eventually get us back to Zenon's place. The dog now loves me as I spent yesterday morning curled up in bed petting him while I read Harry Potter, and then took him on that long walk. The only damage done by the long walk was that my feet now hurt when I wear my sandals, but that is not a big deal.

Last night Zenon and I went out for dinner at a nice Italian place in New Glasgow, and then for a scenic drive while we looked for a house that he will be doing work on later. The house was quite nice, well, as far as I could tell since it is still being built. The view was amazing. Zenon then took me to the beach and we dipped our feet in the ocean and watched the sun set, though not for long because there were a lot of bugs. I cannot get over how beautiful it is here. The town is lovely (and I saw a lot of it during my misadventures with Lewis yesterday) and the surrounding area is breathtaking. It blows my mind that this is where people actually live and grow up. It seems like something out of a book.

Not much else to say for now. This morning Zenon beat me at Trivial Pursuit, but I blame Lewis the dog. He came up to cuddle with me while I was playing, so my mind wasn't on the game so much as on cuddling. Zenon's older sister took me out for lunch today, so we got to know each other a bit better. I wish that I wasn't so quiet all the time with people I don't know.

I will now return to my Harry Potter. When I left it last night at 2am I was at the part just before Harry and Dumbledore go to the cave to find the horcrux. I'm sure action and adventure await just around the next page.


At August 09, 2005 9:14 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Too funny! I just returned from a visit back home and spent the first week near Wolfville at my folks' place and was in Stellarton around the same time as you before heading off to dh's cabin up at Lochaber!

I'm now back in Ottawa--fully stocked with Lunenburg Winery wine and Briggs and Little wool (among other odds and sods).

At August 12, 2005 11:58 AM, Blogger Heidi said...

That IS funny! Too bad we didn't coordinate. Wouldn't it be neat if we ran into each other without knowing it?

At August 17, 2005 4:27 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

As it was I was accosted at the wedding reception by a girl (well, a Psychologist now, I guess LOL) who went to the Terry Fox youth centre here in Ottawa with me for a week back in 1993. I hadn't seen or thought of her since then, so it was kind of funnyodd--especially as I've been living here in Ottawa since 1997! She went to high school with the groom.


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