I have written before about how some days pass where I might not say anything out loud because I live alone and don't have much of a social life these days. However, today was not like that. Today I did so much talking that I lost my voice, or at least it got craggy, a couple of times. It started when I had Joanna over for ice cream. I usually invite people over for tea, but it has been so hot lately that I haven't even been drinking my daily cup of green tea in the mornings. So, I invited Joanna over for ice cream. It was a most unorthodox invitation. I went down the hall and knocked on her door, and asked her to come over. When she said yes, I told her not to come right away because I had to do dishes so that we'd have clean bowls. So, I left and she came down a few minutes later. We had a very pleasant chat over bowls of mint chip ice cream. It is much easier for us to talk to each other when the guys aren't around. They are so loud.
After a few hours of talking with Joanna, she left, only to return shortly after with Darrell who was asking me about one of the professors in the English department that he's thinking about working with this year. I gave my opinion and they went home for dinner. Then Ashley came over to help me figure out an outfit and hair and makeup for the wedding I'm going to this weekend. I had forgotten how much fun these "girly" type things can be. I then went over to Ashley's house, feeling very attractive in my shirt for Saturday and with my face made up, to see if she had any suitable jewellery for me to wear. My time at Ashley's house was spent trying on different outfits that she wanted to see me in, with only one or two having actual potential to be helpful for the wedding outfit planning. It is fun to dress up in other people's clothes sometimes. Ashley actually gave me a shirt that she said that she will never wear, but which I think looks quite good on me. I now need to make a trip to the bar so that I can wear it.
I looked much less glamourous on my walk back from Ashley's than I did on my way to there. My hair was a bit messy from changing my clothes so often, I was wearing makeup that made my skin look like greased metal (it was a failed experiment), and most embarassingly, I got lipstick on my shirt. The lipstick wasn't just on my shirt, but it was over my right breast, as if someone had tried to kiss my nipple. Of course, no one had tried, it just got dirty from me changing into and out of the shirt all the time. I know that and you know that, but the people I passed on my walk back home didn't know that, unfortunately. Because of the placement of the lip marks, I couldn't even hide them, because me holding my hand in front of my breast or cupping my breast would be even more conspicuous than the lipstick.
I was rushing home because I was such a mess, but also because I had a phone date with
Nad. It had been ages since he and I had spoken, so I was quite excited. We had a good chat which unfortunately had to be cut a bit short because neither of us had yet eaten dinner. To update the count at this point, this is 4 independent people with whom I had out loud conversations today. The fun isn't even over, yet.
Zenon's internet was acting up again, so he gave me a call and we had a good conversation, bringing today's total count of people I talked to up to a record 5!
*Editor's Note* This is obviously not the angry post that I promised down below. That post is still coming, probably, in a much shorter form than anticipated. For now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the mindless babble that is the description of my life.