Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Ramblings, happenings and doings

Yesterday Ashley and I did our errands together. We made a pit stop at one of the used book stores in town. We bought horoscope books. The one that I bought talks about sun signs and dreams. The one that Ashley bought talks about star signs and the secret codes of the universe. I have learned how to lose weight with colour, not calories, and also what it means when I (as a Virgo) dream about being trapped. These are possibly the two flakiest, new agey-ist books ever. They are fun.

When I got back from errands yesterday, I laid out on the balcony as it was a pleasant day weather-wise and I am starting to look pale again as if I never go outside. I have talked before about how the chickadees enjoy flitting and playing on my balcony. They continued to do this, even though I was there. It was neat. One landed no more than a foot from my face at one point. I stared at it as surreptitiously as I could. I like chickadees. They are tiny and playful and cute.

I think that I have a stalker in Wolfville. Once last week or 2 weeks ago I was walking to Ashley's in the evening and a young guy in a white car drove by me and waved. I waved hesitantly back, since I had no idea who it was. He later drove by me again, going the other way. I gave him my smile reserved for strangers. I haven't seen him since and had pretty much forgotten about the incident. Last night I was walking to Ashley's again and I encountered the car. He was at a stop sign that I was approaching. He seemed to wait quite a bit longer at the stop sign than was necessary, as if watching where I was going. He then drove up to the store, turned around, and passed me again. He was driving out of the sun so I couldn't really see him when he passed, but I gave him my 1984 smile that I reserve for strangers (this is the expression of normal satisfaction or contentment that has become automatic for me when in crowds or around strangers. If I were being watched by Big Brother everywhere I went, it's the face of acceptance that I would wear all the time). As I was walking towards Ashley's place along Fundy Drive, he drove by again, as if watching where I was going. I don't think I'm being paranoid. Considering how unaware I am of my surroundings all the time, this must be pretty obvious for me to have picked up on it. I wish that he would just stop and say hi and tell me who he is and how he knows me. I am getting curious and mildly annoyed.

Last night I locked myself out of my apartment. Luckily, I noticed this before I got too far down the road, so I turned around and got my super to let me back in so that I could grab my keys. It is good that I noticed this right away at 8 instead of later when I came home after 11. That was the first time that's happened to me all year, knock on wood, so I'm fairly proud of myself.

Sometime this weekend one of my profs from this year is having the 5 of us over for dinner. It will either be tonight or tomorrow night. I am hoping to find out soon which one it is.

I have begun the scarf that I bought yarn for the other day. It is going well. I am enjoying the knitting and already have 6 inches done. I have already made a few mistakes, but none that are overly noticeable, I don't think.

That is all I have to say for now. I am hungry and going for breakfast.


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