Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Goodbye Nova Scotia

This will be my last post from Nova Scotia, at least for a while. It will also be my last post from my Acadia Advantage laptop. Tomorrow I am flying back to Ontario, with my stuff following me on land in a few days. Tomorrow I am also returning my laptop, which will be a traumatic experience. I know that I haven't been updating much lately, but that's because I've been busy with packing and organizing and doing those last things.

I will summarize events since my birthday. My birthday was fun. A bunch of us went to Jungle Jim's for dinner. I had some drinks and some good dinner. Ian told them it was my birthday, so I got sung to and a free piece of very good chocolate cheesecake. Because it was my birthday, Ross was kind enough to pick up my tab. Then we went to Wal-Mart to play, then back to Wolfville where 4 of us gathered in my living room telling stories and finishing my beer for a few hours.

Last week I made another visit to Stellarton. It happened on the spur of the moment, but it was fun. It is also why I am so behind in my packing, at least in part, but that is another story. I quite enjoyed my Stellarton visit. Zen and I went out for dinner a few times, I took Lewis for another, less-eventful walk, and I applied for some more jobs while Zenon was at work. I also had one of the most perfect days I've ever had this past Friday. It was peaceful and golden and pleasant.

Friday night it was back to Wolfville. Saturday was a party at Janice's, which is the event that prompted my previous hungover post. Suffice to say, I had a good time and a lot to drink. The next day hangover was killer. Highlights of Saturday night include dancing on Janice's roof with Zenon while Ross played guitar, pleasant chats with various people, and stumbling up the hill with a similarly-drunken Zenon only to collapse in bed without ceremony fully clothed and wearing my contacts. Good times. Zenon ended up staying over on Sunday night too, which meant that he had to leave this morning around 4:30am. I got up with him, and have been sleepy all day. Not as sleepy as him, I'm pretty sure, but sleepy nonetheless.

Theoretically, in 12 hours from now I leave Wolfville for the airport, possibly forever. The realization that I was actually leaving hit me while I was at the Library Pub tonight. I've been in denial about my departure, convincing myself that packing and selling my bed was just for fun and didn't mean that I was actually leaving. This deception was to keep me sane and to prevent me from becoming horribly depressed about leaving. It was the stupidest thing at the Library Pub that made it all real for me. I was reading the back of the menu, and they were listing the various nights they have there - Tuesday is martini night, Wednesday is wine night, etc. I was thinking, "That sounds like fun. We should come back for these different nights," and then I realized that this was my last night in Wolfville. I had missed my LP chance. I had a bit of a freakout on my walk home as I thought about how I was leaving. My tummy even got upset with the stress of it. Happily, I calmed myself down after I got home and was able to focus on packing.

This is longer than I meant it to be. I must now retire to the floor (my bed having left the apartment earlier today) for a good 5 hours of sleep before I'm up early tomorrow. I have to shower early to give my shower curtain time to dry before it's packed, and I have someone coming at 8:30am to look at my microwave and bookshelves. I also still have a bunch of packing and cleaning to do before I run my errands at school. Ugh. Wish me luck with tomorrow's hell of a day.


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