I swear...
...by the time I leave this place, I'm going to talk like a Newfoundlander. Every second or third person I meet out here is a Newfie, and my speech patterns are already changing.
The neatest part is that they pronouce my name "Hottie".
A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!
...by the time I leave this place, I'm going to talk like a Newfoundlander. Every second or third person I meet out here is a Newfie, and my speech patterns are already changing.
So, we have finally uploaded all of the pictures from Zenon's camera. Today I will post some pictures from our adventures in Ontario during our week before we left, starting with some from Toronto.
I got the job! Yay! My boss is picking me up tomorrow morning at 7am. Paycheques, here I come!
So, this morning the house phone wouldn't stop ringing. I tried to ignore it, since it is in the kitchen and thus muted, but finally got frustrated and answered it.
So, today was my second day at this temp placement. It was more stressful than my first day. The stress began right when I went in. I keyed in the security code that they gave me, sat down at the desk and started getting my stuff organized. The phone rings. It is the alarm company. "Hello. We got a distress call from your office... The police will be over momentarily." And they were. Great. Just after the cop leaves, I get a call from the supervisor. "You know that there was a distress call? They're sending the RCMP over." My first thought was "Hee hee...RCMP..." because we don't really have them in Ontario. My next was, this is so embarassing.
I am employed! I had my interview at the temp agency today (and by "interview" I really mean "system of tests designed to tell them if you lied about your computer proficiency") and I am starting my first assignment tomorrow. Temp work isn't my lifetime goal, but it is good for now. Maybe there will be a Christmas after all. The base rate for temp work is much higher here than it was back in Ontario. Tomorrow I will make $13/hr to answer phones. This wouldn't happen back home.
First of all, I just noticed that my blog is a year old now. Yay! I think that the earlier entries are the best ones, so if you get bored someday, feel free to browse through the archives. I think that I am probably the only one who gets that bored. Which brings me to announcement number two. My days of being a lonely housewife may be coming to an end - I have 2 interviews this week!!! Yay!!! I re-vamped my resume last week, and it seems to have worked. Please keep your fingers crossed, as I really really need a job. The third announcement is that I have officially returned to the world of the internet. We are no longer using stolen wireless signals, but are nicely connected broadband-style. Yay!!!
Zen and I started our odyssey on October 28. We left almost on time, by which I mean we left less than an hour later than we'd planned. It was a chaotic morning, but I managed to get ready, and Zen managed to cram all of our stuff into the car. The morning was sunny and beautiful as we set out, which I decided to take as a good omen. The mood in the car was jubilant as we began, as we were both excited to finally be on the road after talking about it and planning it for so long.
Hello. This will be short because I'm working on someone else's stolen wireless signal, and I don't know how long it will last. Zen and I arrived safely in Fort McMurray on Nov. 2. The trip was fine. More details and pictures to come later when we have our own internet (before the end of the month). We are settled in here now nicely. The house is gorgeous, and so far we have it to ourselves, which is nice. The house is brand new and our landlords are very good. Zen found a job as a carpenter making good money. I am still looking for work.