Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Friday, November 25, 2005

4am phone conversation

So, this morning the house phone wouldn't stop ringing. I tried to ignore it, since it is in the kitchen and thus muted, but finally got frustrated and answered it.

H: Hello?
Man on other end: Hi, how are you?
H: (thinks it's the landlord) Fine, and you?
Man: Oh, I'm good, I'm good. Is anyone available?
H: Available? (wondering what the landlord needs at this hour.... has he been arrested?)
Man: To drive.
H: Drive what? (realizes at this point that it must not be the landlord)
Man: Isn't this Nexus Services?
H: No, this is... this is... (gropes in sleep-fogged mind for the right word) a residence.
Man: Oh, I'm sorry. *click*

Editor's Note: Zenon thinks that the man is likely to have said "Isn't this an escort service" as opposed to what I wrote above. Upon reflection, this makes a lot more sense, actually, and adds humour to the story, so let's go with that.


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