Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pictures of Fort Mac

Here are some pictures of various parts of town, for those of you who are curious about what it looks like up here. I took them all from the community website. None of them are from our camera.

Here is kind of a back view of my part of town. Our apartment building is in the upper centre part of this picture, to the left of the towers.

This is just a view that I drive by everyday off the side of the bridge. It's a nice photo of it.

This is an overhead photo of the bridge that connects the downtown area with the northern residential neighbourhoods. I drive over this bridge to get to work. Our building is in this picture too.
This is a view of Gregoire Lake, which is just south of town. Brad and I drove past it on our roommate date, and it was beautiful. It actually looked almost exactly the same then as it does in this picture, even though this picture is from someone else.

This is another view of the bridge from the other side. This picture seems to be from winter, or perhaps river break in the spring.


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