Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I am in a twilight zone

I am having trouble remembering where I live. Not literally. I mean, I can find my way home from work each night, that's not the problem. What I mean is that I feel like at the same time that I'm living here, part of me is still back in Nova Scotia, while another part has already gone to Alberta. I spend my days reminiscing about Wolfville and planning the move to Fort McMurray. When I drive around Stratford and the surrounding area, I no longer see it with the eyes of a local. So much has changed since I last was a regular here, and I have changed so much that my perceptions are totally different. Also, all of my Stratford friends have moved away or fallen out of touch or whatever (Meg is the exception here, but as we still haven't gotten together, she doesn't count yet), so there is a totally new set of people that I interact with everyday. Everything looks the same, and yet different, like "life, moved 2 inches to the left". I am in a twilight zone not in the sense that my life is full of freaky incidents, but in the sense that I'm in a transition period. Twilight is the time when it's no longer day, but isn't quite night. Similarly, I am only here for a short time before I move on to something completely different. It's strange feeling.

In more prosaic news, things have been going better for me. I am liking work more, overall, though this is partly because I know that it's temporary. Also, today someone from the office downstairs was asking about me, wanting to know if I'm single. It was a compliment to start the day off right. Last night I gave blood and when they did the copper sulfate (or whatever it actually is) test, my blood dropped right to the bottom. My blood has never done that before. I have kickass iron-rich blood for the first time ever! No one else has been as excited as me about this, which I guess is understandable. Yesterday I also got a haircut, which again, is only exciting to me, but my hair looks a lot better and today I was even able to wear it curly. This past Saturday I went shopping with my Mom and my Grandma O. I bought more nice work outfits, and some nice black shoes for work. I am going to stop spending money now. Soon, anyway.

I have nothing more definite to report yet about the Alberta plans, so don't even ask. The apartment search isn't going well, but I still have lots of avenues to explore (both literally and figuratively, hee hee).


At September 28, 2005 7:06 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

Arrrrgggg.... Again with the f***ing spam comments! It's so disappointing... I think that I have readers who care what I have to say, but no, it's just advertisements.

I have deleted the spam comments, in case you were wondering what I was talking about.

At September 29, 2005 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry about all the commments, its just that I find you so very very hot that I can't resist getting you to notice me.

My Bad


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