Chronicles of Acadia

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Saturday, September 10, 2005

Too old for Phil's

Signs that you are getting too old to go to Phil's:
1. You think that the girls all dance too slutty
2. You are dancing in front of the pole on the platform, but not using the pole to add a provocative element to your dance
3. You see no one you know
4. All of the guys look like jailbait to you
5. Everyone starts singing along to songs that you have never heard before, and you are the only one singing along to the Nirvana song from 1993
6. At 1am, you want to go home because you were up early for work that day
7. Sobriety seems like a good idea despite the insanely cheap drinks
8. Anna apologizes for accidentally brushing your ass while dancing, and your response is, "That's OK," and not "No, no, I liked it. Do it again!" because you are both in serious relationships and not interested in flirting

Despite all of these obstacles, though, a good time was had. We started with drinks at the Barleyworks. It was Anna, Nad, David Stemp and me. Later, Nad went home and the other 3 of us hit Phil's. Anna and David are a lot of fun to go dancing with, even when we're all sober and tired from a full day's work. They have some great moves. I finally got the wear the neat bar shirt that I got from Ashley a few weeks ago. It looked hot on me.

Today was potato contest. Every year, people on my Dad's side of the family have a contest to see who can grow the largest potatoes. After the weigh-in, all of the potatoes are cut up and fried for dinner and a good time is had by all. There is also a contest for the youngsters for "best dressed" potato. Basically, the kids decorate the smaller potatoes and make scenes and figures with them. I helped Anie decorate some potatoes this morning. It was great fun. I had forgotten how much I love to do crafts like that. Our potatoes were very unique and contained copious amounts of glitter. Anie won for Most Colourful Potato. Tomorrow we might make puppets (with construction paper this time, not potatoes).


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