Chronicles of Acadia

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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Heidi - a girl of many moods

Lately I have been changing moods more often than a chameleon changes colours. I haven't been this volatile since I was 14. I am really getting sick of it. Every day at work is a roller coaster ride between giddy and despondent, happy to be there and wanting to inflict harm on myself and others. I don't think the girls there know what to make of me. This phenomenon is starting to invade my personal life too now. I'm blaming my lack of quality sleep for the past few weeks. The last time I slept deeply through the night was Janice's party. I have considered getting myself totally drunk before bed every night, since that seemed to work so well, but my money situation and concern for my liver have led me to more boring and practical solutions. Instead, I have bought a foam covering for my mattress to make it more comfortable. This has worked better than anticipated.

In other news.... Hmmmm... there isn't much other news. I go to work every day. I come home exhausted. Oh, last night I went on a big shopping spree. I haven't spreed like this in a long time. I bought lots of nice outfits for work. I'm not sure how much I spent, actually, but it was a couple of hundred dollars. I figured that it was an investment, since I am likely to be working in an office environment for the next long time. I shouldn't need to buy anything else (besides shoes and a black cardigan) for the next year or so.

That is all I have to say for now. I'm going to go pay some bills and look for other jobs. I've decided that $9/hr isn't really what I'm looking for right now.


At September 14, 2005 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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