Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Just an update, in case you were wondering how the new job was going

It is fine. Some of the work is tedious and boring, but there is a lot of different stuff to do in a day. I find that time goes really quickly. I have an hour for lunch, too. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that time every day. I am mainly filing and distributing faxes. I would like to be doing something a little more challenging/stimulating, but I have actually been having not too bad of a time with this so far. I am still keeping my eyes open for new/better jobs, though. It is disconcerting because I keep seeing people I know from high school who are now working in the office. What sort of relationship do you have with someone that you were acquainted with 6 years ago, but haven't talked to since? Do you start over from scratch? Do you say, "Hey, what have you been up to for 6 years?" I have tried to ignore them all in order to avoid awkward situations. So far it is only somewhat working.

It looks like it will be at least six months until I move to Alberta. I am getting really excited to go, and I wish it was sooner.

I am just in a blah mood tonight.


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