Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A less grumpy update (alternate title: Zenon is my boyfriend)

I'm sorry if my posts lately have been abrupt in tone. It is just that I haven't been sleeping well, and work for some reason puts me in a bad mood. Or perhaps it is the drive. Whatever it is, every evening I come home feeling tired and grumpy. It is probably just people burnout, and then coming home to see my parents doesn't help with that. Anyway, my grumpy mood has passed for the moment, so here I am, being cheerful for your enjoyment.

My family has become addicted to soduku puzzles. If you would also like to share the addiction, here is the site that I used to get Zenon addicted to them as well.

I had forgotten how much I like the show Arrested Development. I watched the season premiere on Monday and laughed my ass off, as usual. Even Mom enjoyed it, and she hasn't seen the first 2 seasons. It is the next show that I want to get Zenon addicted to.

I should explain the alternate title to this post. Since we are so far apart, Zenon worries when I don't mention him on my blog because he thinks that either I'm not thinking about him as much anymore, or else that Hot Guy has begun to move in. Hot Guy is someone Zenon created, who will reportedly try to seduce me with his briefcase and propensity for rubbing his own tummy. Oh, and his dashing good looks. Anyway, in order to let Hot Guy (and others) know that I'm no longer "on the market", Zenon wanted me to title this post with the alternate title. Like anyone didn't know that Zenon is my boyfriend. Like I talk about anything else these days. Anyway. That is how that happened.

Hmmmm... what else is there to say? Tomorrow the family is taking a field trip to see my sister's new house that she'll be moving into at the beginning of November. That will be fun. I'll also get to see Anie and find out how her first week of school is going. I hope that she's enjoying JK.

I think that it's been good for me to be home, even though it's been pretty icky as well. I realize that there were lots of parts of myself that I was ignoring or neglecting or avoiding while I was in Wolfville. It's funny how parts of yourself get tied to locations like that. Moving somewhere new is so liberating and so challenging for just that reason.

I feel like I've begun rambling, but I don't want to waste this rare feeling of good will towards myself and others. I have so many projects on the go, and keep thinking of new ones to start, but somehow I don't feel like I have very much free time these days. I am plugging away at Gillian's scarf. I made some good progress with it last night during House, but it will still be a while until it's done. I have maybe 6 inches now? Maybe 10? I'm not sure. I also bought some new fabric for my quilt, so I want to start working on that, and hopefully finish it before I move to Alberta (or wherever), but again, no time.

OK, I am definitely rambling now. I am off now to shower, do some more unpacking, and to try to find meaning in my currently meaningless life. I will catch you all on the flipside.


At September 21, 2005 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to put it in as an alternative title. It should be the new name of your web page

At September 22, 2005 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

like you could find anyone to go into THAT musty old clap-trap!


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