Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Quiet is good

I've been living a quiet existence here in Wolfville for the past few days, and I'm actually liking it a lot for the moment. My body was telling me that I needed to take some quiet time to lay in bed with books and movies and mope a little, and so I have done it. I feel much more able to encounter life here than previously.

On a less strange note, on Thursday I went to a potluck at Janice's. Her birthday is on Monday, so she had a little get-together on Thursday which was quite pleasant. I brought salad. We sat around and munched on things and chatted. There was a nice mix of people I knew with a few that I didn't, and just about the perfect number of people for maximum comfort and good conversation (about 10). I got to meet Zenon and Ross's friend Darrell, about whom I've heard so much, so that was neat. After the potluck, I walked Ashley home for the exercise and company, and then coerced her into coming to my place for tea so that we could look at some of the horoscope books and other fun things that I brought back from Ontario. Horoscope books are fun. I have one from 1970 which is awesome - very accurate (at least in describing me as a Virgo) and because it's from 1970 it still has all of the gender roles inscribed in it, which is horrible yet entertaining. Actually, I noticed that my horoscope book from 1993 still has gender roles inscribed in it to0, in a more subtle way, which was an interesting discovery. I guess that it shouldn't have surprised me but it did. Examples of gender inscription - from the 1970 book: "Male Virgos are often found in legal or financial fields. (You are both impartial and fair). Female Virgos are especially suited to be executive secretaries, authors and interior decorators..." So, men can be lawyers while women can be secretaries or interior designers. Great. (Incidentally, I want to be none of these). Meanwhile, in the 1993 book: "Aries women have interests outside the home or often have careers." And the men? "Aries men are enterprising". A comparison of the language between these two comparable statements is quite telling, and this is from 1993. *Sigh*

I bought myself some fun groceries on Friday. Now that I'm back in Wolfville, grocery days are the excitement of the week again. I bought myself some unsweetened organic applesauce. It's part of my plan to start eating better, as for the past little bit my eating habits have left something to be desired (moreso than usual). I figure that applesauce can satisfy my craving for sweets, while still being a healthy snack. Very clever, I think.

Oh, here are some funny things that I've come across lately:
The Drinkometer - find out how much you've spent on alcohol in your lifetime - the results can be quite "sobering" (ha!)
Woman beats off intruder with gnome - a true life dramatic tale involving bravery and garden gnomes

Not much to say besides that. My thesis is coming slowly, but I'm feeling hopeful for the future. I still need to start the job hunt (is anyone good with resumes? I need help with mine) and I plan on making brownies soon. That's all that's new. All's quiet here, and I like it that way.


At May 10, 2005 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Heidi,
I took a couple classes on writing resumes and critiqued others during the last year or so if you need any help just send me a line.

At May 11, 2005 4:51 AM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

What would we do without garden gnomes to entertain us? The Museum of Hoaxes website is going to have a whole section on them, including the underwater "gnome garden" that a few divers have reportedly died trying to locate.
Anyway, I enjoy your blog and have been checking in periodically. I, too, am a Canadian tea junkie who reads, reads, reads.

At May 11, 2005 4:53 AM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

P.S. Love the fun links! I just watched Garden State for the first time a few weeks ago and I'm totally hooked.

At May 11, 2005 7:47 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

Gillian: I have my resume about ready to go. If I catch you online, I'll maybe send you a copy to look over.

SME: Thank you for your kind words. It's always fun to find someone who reads this blog by choice and not because I force them to. :P I will look for that underwater gnome garden story. I find garden gnomes really funny in stories, though somewhat creepy and frightening in real life.


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