Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Monday, May 02, 2005


So, tomorrow is the day that I return to NS. To be honest, I'm looking forward to going back even less than I was after Christmas. Oh well. I'm going back so I've just got to accept that.

I've had a busy couple of days. I spent Friday night reading that book - The Birth of Venus by Sarah Durant (I checked the author's name in case anyone's interested in reading it - quite enjoyable). I had lots of reading time as I was up all night with an upset tummy. I'm not sure if my tummy problems were caused by stress (what stress? I'm on vacation!), something I ate or just a bug, but they were frustrating. Oh well. The book was good. Saturday I felt better enough to help Andrew move (though I wasn't too energetic) and Saturday evening I even felt better enough to let him take me to the Jane Bond for dinner as thanks for lugging his heavy crap up and down the stairs. Mmmmm.... antijitos... I didn't have my usual caesar salad (and I've been regretting it) as I thought homemade soup would be a better way to ease my tummy back into the world of eating. Anyway, no major injuries were sustained during the move, though I have been quite sore the past couple of days.

Yesterday I hung out at Andrew's new place for most of the day. We had dinner at the Vegetarian Fast Food place at the corner of University and Philip in Waterloo. I had very good vegetarian pineapple chicken. Mmmmm....I wish I had more... (I haven't had lunch yet today, which is why there is such a focus on food in this entry). Last night I came home and watched the new Family Guy, American Dad, and the Simpsons' 350th episode. I love having TV here. I will miss it when I go back, as ashamed as I am to admit it, if only for these shows.

Today I am packing and running the last few errands. I could start again about how sad I am to go back, but instead I'll think about how bright and reader-friendly my apartment is, how big and comfy the bed is, how cheery my plants are...


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