Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Mixed Feelings

I'm supposed to be leaving for NS again on Thursday. I've decided to extend my stay, though. 10 days just isn't long enough to do everything that I want to. I do really miss my apartment and the girls at Acadia, but it's great being back in Ontario and seeing everyone. I had a really good weekend.

On Friday, Dave and I watched Angels in America. Not all of it, because it's 6 hours in totality, but actually, 5 hours of it. For the last hour to hour and a half I wasn't really paying attention, though. I got really really sleepy.

Saturday, Anna, Gillian and I gathered at Andrew's for pre-drinks and chatting before meeting Nad et al at Phil's. Ah, Phil's. How I've missed your trashy, vomit-scented undergroundness. It was a really good night. I couldn't have gone with sexier dance partners. We were hot. Here are some highlights from conversations both pre-Phil's and during:

Gillian on trashy romance novels: Sometimes I'm just reading them, and it's like, "They put that there???"
Heidi: (uncontrollable giggling)

Dave V: So I was teaching this course on Family Planning. This one girl in the class, Cheryl, was a stripper. She offered to show me her new piercings.
Anna: Piercings? Where were they? Like, on her genitals?
Dave V: (sarcastically) Guess!
Anna: (missing the sarcasm) Like, on her clit? Or on her vulva?
Heidi: Isn't saying "Guess" like that just a figure of speech?
Gillian: Yes
Heidi: Only Anna would actually guess that!
Gillian and Heidi: (uncontrollable giggling)

Drunk girl at bar near dancing pole: You need to thrust more when you dance with the pole
Anna: OK. Thanks. (proceeds to thrust)
Gillian: I think that girl is hitting on Anna
Heidi: Probably. Hee hee hee.

Needless to say, it was very fun times all night. I had good drinks, and just the right amount of them. It was great to be out dancing again. It had been a long time since I'd been out, and forever since I'd been dancing with Anna and Nad, and forever and a day since I was out with Gillian.

I still have lots to do before I go back. Tomorrow my sister is bringing supper out for us, and then Wednesday I'm hoping to go shopping in Guelph with Gillian if she's free. Thursday I'm babysitting Anie. After that (and besides that) I have no definite plans, so if you're in the area and have some time, give me a call.


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