Quick 4am reflections
I like working at night better than working during the day. I like working when I have hot tea, incense burning and classical or baroque music playing. It sets the mood.
Thanks to my excessive watching of Coupling lately, my internal monologue now is spoken with a British accent.
No more pheasant spottings today. I was looking. :(
I've decided not to do my PhD ever. This decision feels good to me. However, I don't know what to do instead. Any ideas? And please, no one say teacher's college. That is not for me.
If I wasn't worried about flunking out, I would be spending much more time in bed in the fetal position moping and mourning. As it is, I have 7 more pages to write for Monday, and all my essays left to mark for Tuesday. I have a feeling that caffeine and me are going to become very good friends this week.
I've never stayed up all night on a weekend. I only do it on weeknights. This struck me as strange. If I thought I'd be productive and not write overly-political feminist crap, I'd stay up tonight and finish my essay. As it is, I just wrote a whole page on why Republicans are bad for women. Will I delete it tomorrow? Probably.
It is a week until I fly back to Ontario. I am excited for my visit. I miss my family. I miss Ontario too, actually. Weird, that.
I need to get some sleep so that I have time to write my 7 pages later today.
Hey Heidi,
don't feel bad -- i've still got about six pages to go and i'm writing in circles at this point. I wanted to get up really early this morning but i slept in till 10:30, argh! I get the feeling -- scratch that -- i'm aware that all of my points say virtually the same thing. I only hope that the essay for Kevin is somehow better.
and yes, I'm on side with you not to bother with the phd thing and also that coffee is a good friend in moments like these....so are creme eggs, i've discovered!
-- Janice
I used to justify staying up all night to work and sleeping during the day a simple exchange of work-sleep time (since I also like working at night). But since March, I've renegotiated the atmosphere of night work in exchange for thick window curtains.
Have you considered working for an advertising company?
Margie: I heard about your illness in March, and I'm happy that you're feeling better. Do you really think that keeping nocturnal hours had something to do with it? Andrew kept telling me it did, but I thought he was just wrong (hi Andrew, if you're reading this).
I hadn't ever thought of going into advertising. It's an interesting idea. Right now I don't think my principles agree with it, but I'm sure that a few months as an out-of-work English major will change my mind.
I think you should be a librarian... except you'd probably have to deal with dorks like me making a lot of jokes about "checking you out".
Right now I'm not sure what caused it. It could have happened for a myriad of reasons so I don't really want to pin it on anything specific. But sleeping regular hours definitely has made me feel better. Sleep is the, "dear mother of fresh thoughts and joyous health."
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