Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Back in the little w

Here I am, back in Wolfville. I had a safe (and rather pleasant) trip back today. I'm a little worn out, but I have lots of thoughts (since I had lots of time to think). Perhaps I will do this entry in point form.

- It's no wonder that humanity thinks that it's invincible. We have created machines that can fly to heaven. I swear, every time I fly and we are soaring above the clouds, I think it's obvious why God is thought to live there. Today it was quite overcast in Toronto when we took off, so we flew through some heavy clouds to get to our cruising altitude. At one point looking out my window everything was pure white. It was like some sort of cleansing or initiation process, and at the end we were in a heaven of silk covered fluffy with golden sunshine falling all around us.

- How I know that humanity is not invincible is because when we made our descent, it was right over the clear cuts in Nova Scotia. What a contrast from the divine beauty of the sky to the gross destruction on the ground.

- Civ 3 is a fun way to kill time at the airport while waiting for your bus.

- There are too many good MSN names out there and so little time.

- Nova Scotia is the most beautiful province.*

- When I am gone for a while, my apartment loses its "me" smell and begins to smell again like it did when I first moved in - the smell of possibilities.

- The summer may not be as bad as I was anticipating.

- I miss Ontario already.

- I want to paint a picture of the tree that I saw in Dartmouth today and call the picture "Perserverance" except that I can't paint and the idea actually sounds pretty flakey.

- I need to work on the Marvin story again.

- My plants are all still alive (yay!) and soaking up water as we speak. I still need to get the mail, but I'm afraid to.

Note: I had deeper thoughts than this too, but they are either too private or too undeveloped to post at this moment.

* It should be noted that I have not visited every province. Also, I have a tendency to consider whatever province I'm in at the moment as the most beatiful one. What I should really say is "Canada is an amazingly beautiful country".


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