Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Busy couple of days

So, I'm back in Ontario now. I just arrived back at my parent's house not long ago. It's been a busy couple of days. Sunday night Mom met me at the airport and we went back to our hotel. We grabbed some pizza for dinner, and then watched some episodes of Coupling and had a fairly early night. Monday morning we laid around the apartment and watched more Couplings, then met my cousin for lunch in Toronto. That was fun. We went to a Thai restaurant near the Eaton's Centre. I've discovered that my tolerance for spices is pretty much nil. That should surprise nobody. Monday afternoon Mom and I browsed the Eaton's Centre, but didn't find much of interest. I bought a pair of orange shorts that were on sale for under $8.

At this point Mom and I needed a nap, so we took one before heading out the Barenaked Ladies concert Monday night. The concert was neat. Free tickets, and our seats were OK. If anyone knows the Air Canada Centre, we were in section 301, so on the opposite side of the arena from the stage in the first row of the balcony. It was far away, but front and centre, and they used the Jumbotron anyway. The reason that we had free tickets was because it was a Bell employee appreciation do in honour of the company's 125th birthday. All of the corporate propaganda stuff wasn't as good, but the concert was still a great time. The BNLs put on a really fun show. I would like to see them again sometime, with a more enthusiastic audience.

Today we went to the World's Biggest Bookstore. You can all imagine how that went. Within 10 minutes I said I had to leave because I already had a stack of books worth my spending money for the whole trip. We stayed for a while longer, and after many debates I narrowed my stack down. My Mom paid for my books anyway as a treat, so that was exciting. I will give you book highlights later when I'm not so tired.

On our way back from Toronto this evening we stopped in to see my sister and niece and brother-in-law. I didn't even make it out of the car before I was being assaulted with hugs from my niece. We stayed for supper and my Dad joined us. You can all imagine how great it felt to spend time with my niece. She is sleeping over here tonight and we have the day tomorrow to spend together. Even in 4 months I can see how she's grown. She's learned to ride her bike with training wheels, and she's very proud.

For everyone in Nova Scotia: The weather here is so great! Today it neared 30 degrees! I was too hot in pants and running shoes. The grass is fully green here, and of course it's not nearly so windy or humid. If this weather continues, I might not want to come back! Hee hee hee... just kidding.

Anyway, I haven't had any introvert time for days, so I need to go lock myself alone in my room. I am very exhausted. I know I have more to say, but it will have to wait. I hope that everyone is well.


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