Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Getting used to living alone

I didn't think that 2 weeks was long enough for me to forget what it's like to live alone, but it seems like it was. Today was my first day back by myself in my apartment, and it felt really strange to be here alone. Obviously, when I was in Ontario I was staying with my parents or Andrew all the time, and I had only a few hours of being really alone (i.e. having no one else in the house) while I was away. At the time, I found this frustrating, but today I found it strange to think that there was no one walking around my apartment while I sat in bed reading (now it's Emma by Jane Austen - some pleasant brain candy) and since I spent the day alone, I'm ready for what would be social time at home - watching TV with someone or playing a board game. It's going to be a tougher adjustment than I thought to go back to my solitary life. I guess that I'll actually have to start using my copious amounts of long-distance phone time each month to pass the time. If you are a friend of mine in Canada, expect a phone call from me soon, but only in the evenings and on weekends.

I have some new projects in the works for myself, though. Today I practiced my knitting because Ashley wants me to teach her how to do it. I'm just a beginner myself, but I know enough to make a scarf (in theory... my last attempt wasn't altogether successful) at least, so I can get her started. I'm good at stockinette stitch (good is a relative term here... I'm not saying that I'd win a stockinette stitch competition, were I to be foolish enough to enter one - if they even existed) and garter stitch, of course, but my knit one, purl one needs work, and anything more complicated than that takes a lot of concentration, so I'm leaving it for later. I'm thinking about making a scarf, though, if my interest continues. Not for me, of course. I've already got 2, and I can't replace the scarf of love. I keep meaning to make scarves for the people I date, but my work pace is so slow that I have yet to finish one while still in the relationship for which it was meant. And it's not like I have a lot of short relationships, either. I guess that considering my slowness, starting one now in preparation for the next real relationship is probably smart. Maybe that way in Christmas of 2006 (I'd say Christmas of 2005, but I don't want to be overly-ambitious) it will be possible for me to have both a finished scarf and a boyfriend to give it to. I guess only time will tell. At the very least, I'll have finished my first project ever, even if the boyfriend thing doesn't work out.

I don't have much else to report right now. I stayed in all day today. I find that travelling back here is very draining and I need a day to recover from it. It's mostly so draining because travelling back here is an all-day affair when you take the bus home from the airport. I feel much more settled in now though and sort of centred, which is good. Tomorrow I have to buckle down and start working my thesis, the full draft of which is due on May 31. Luckily, I have lots of tea and incense on hand, so hopefully that won't be a problem.


At May 05, 2005 9:36 PM, Blogger Margatron said...

I had forgotten that Andrew told me you could knit. My brother and I both learned from our grandma, although Dave makes way more stuff than I do. He has a really good book that I'd reccomend you check out called the Readers Digest Knitter's Handbook. It's really thorough.

At May 05, 2005 10:35 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

I'm surprised that Andrew mentioned my knitting, actually, since it's not something that I do very often anymore. I will keep my eyes peeled for that book you mentioned. I'm not sure how much chance there is for me to find it out here, but I'll keep looking.


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