Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Monday, May 09, 2005

A new holiday

I was attracted by the headline: A Holiday Whose Time Has Come. After reading the article, I have to say that we need something like this in Canada. The focus for this town is purportedly on "improving marital relations," but I don't see why the unmarried need to be discriminated against. Let's all petition our MPs to see if we can't get a Canadian Orgasm Day declared, because if there's a reason to have a holiday, having really good sex seems like a good one.

While I'm talking about sex anyway, here's an interesting article about 2 enterprising and creative individuals who are raising funds for environmental protection. I never thought that I'd say that someone was making porn for a good cause, but there it is. Read, and enjoy.


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