Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Today was about the most beautiful day I've ever experienced, at least weather-wise. It was gloriously sunny, warm but not too hot, and since I'm in Wolfville the breeze was cooling and smelled of the ocean. Could I live in a prettier town? I was feeling a little down and out of sorts earlier today, probably from spending so much time in my apartment lately, so I took a walk this afternoon out in the beautiful air. The walk happened to take me to the used bookstore, but I swear that that was pure coincidence. I felt much better after my walk (and incidental purchases*) and came home to sit out on the balcony, facing the water and soaking up the sun. I wore shorts and a tank top (unmatching - I love living alone) and I think I got a tan. I definitely got some sun because my skin still feels warm tonight. I had all the windows open all the way, and could not get enough of that wonderful, fresh, water-scented air. When I closed the windows tonight after it got cooler, I got another whiff of the nighttime air, and I am tempted to go for another walk tonight.

These past few days of relative freedom (I say relative because I still have my thesis and my job search hanging over my head) and solitude have been wonderful - just what I needed. I have experienced such peace and serenity and beauty as I didn't think was possible right now. Granted, beneath those feelings I've had some less pleasant ones at times, but overall the air and the solitude and the peace have been like a tonic.

To speak of more earthly delights, my homemade brownies indeed came into existence, and are delicious. I have been eating them all myself since I haven't seen anyone else. I'm not complaining, but they are quite rich, so I'll be happy to switch back to my organic applesauce.

* For anyone curious as to my book purchases, I got all fun sorts of books. Please no one (read Mom) yell at me for purchasing yet more reading material. I got Little Women, the unabridged edition (I have the abridged at home), Billy Bathgate by E.L. Doctorow (ah, E.L.... Will my addiction to you ever cease?), 2 Agatha Christie novels and a sci-fi novel. I justify these purchases by thinking of them as TV replacement. I have no TV, so I need to get my entertainment somehow. I realize the faulty logic of this, but I don't care because books are beautiful. I miss my collection in Ontario so much... It was so soothing to see them during my visit.


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