Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Buttercup Festival

I came across a new webcomic last night that I really like. It's called Buttercup Festival and it's quite strange. I love the artwork, and its offbeatness (I don't know if that's a word). The comic that this links to appeals to my English major self.

There's something about this guy's artwork that really speaks to me. If you enter his site, he has a bunch of non-Buttercup Festival artwork on display, and that might give you a better idea of what I mean. The artwork of the comic is quite Edward Gorey-like, but also quite different. I have one of the earlier comics as my background right now. I might find the link to it later and post it. Anyway, check it out and tell me if you think it's neat. Oh, and the guy in the comic isn't Death... he just looks like Death.


At March 06, 2005 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rights of the unborn? I gotta say that they have all the rights that the mother has. The unborn is alive and should be treated as such. If the mother doesn't want a child, she should have considered that before it was conceived. Oh course, it is the mother's choice and really no one others. But that is my take on it


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