Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I like hot chocolate

I've discovered why it is that I like the show Scrubs so much, besides that fact that it just all-round kicks ass. Two things: the soundtrack is amazing, and J.D. reminds me so much of myself, if I were a doctor. The soundtrack has given me my new theme song: Fresh Feeling by the Eels. I played this song on my way through school today, and it just put me into the exact right groove. I love these songs, and they're used so effectively on the show as well. As for J.D., well, it's the daydreams and the ongoing (quirky) internal monologue that first made me realize how I identify so much with him. Then, there was episode #114 where J.D. was asked if he wanted sex, and he said, "Yes please," in a very cute way, much like I would if I were asked by an attractive person in my bed. Today was the clincher. Today, I saw episode #104 where J.D. called one of his patients "neat". I felt so connected to him at that moment... I can't even explain.

Less psychotically obsessive things to mention today: Well, I got a haircut yesterday. I am very very very happy that I finally got this done. My hair looks so much better now, and is so much easier to handle. Plus, being shorter is making it curlier again. I'm happy that I was able to get it cut before Andrew arrives on Friday. Besides this, my Valentine's Day was pretty fun. Ashley and I wanted to see the Acadia production of the Vagina Monologues, but unfortunately tickets were sold out. So, not wanting to waste the trip down the hill, we went to the Library Pub for pints (and coffee). The LP was much nicer this time than when we went before on a Friday night. The LP is very small, and when we were there before there were lots of loud people. Last night there were just enough people there. It wasn't the same as snuggling with my sweetie, but pints with Ashley was still a nice way to spend V-Day.

I can't believe that it's almost Reading Week. More to the point, I can't believe that my next 20 thesis pages are due so soon. Yikes! Stupid thesis. I should have picked a better topic. I should have been given more time to formulate my ideas, but I'm not going down that road again.

I've been playing the guitar relatively a lot recently. I still don't have any callouses on my fingertips, though, so I can't play for very long at a time. I've discovered that this is a good way to entertain myself when there are no new Scrubs or That '70s Show episodes to watch, and I don't have my Garden State movie. Sunday, I think it was, I learned to play the chords for Across the Universe by the Beatles. My repertoire is up to 3 songs (4, if you count the fact that I remembered the chords for the verses of Help! this evening)! I can't wait until Andrew comes and brings my Simon and Garfunkel guitar book.

Finished marking essays this afternoon. They always take so much longer than you think they're going to. I'm happy to have them done, though. I was running out of tactful statements for "Your essay sucks." (Hee hee hee... I'm just kidding... mostly...)

I just have to read one Middle English romance and then I'm done my classwork until after Reading Week. Whoo-hoo! This week it's King Horn. I'm printing it out now. Hey, reminds me... how do people feel about Sylvia Plath? I surprisingly am finding that I'm not a big fan of her poetry. I thought that I would be (despite past evidence to the contrary) because I love confessional poetry, and she is probably the best-known poet in the genre. However, I wasn't nearly as excited by her poetry as I was by Ginsberg's. Maybe my feelings will change after another week of looking at Plath, but I don't know. I do like the poems about poppies, though - "Poppies in October" and "Poppies in July".

I'm drinking minty hot chocolate right now, hence the title of this post. I don't have anything else to say about that, except that it's yummy and you should have some too. That's all for now.


At February 17, 2005 8:11 PM, Blogger glasstiger said...

Hey Heidi,

I love Plath, but I admit that her prose is better than her poetry. Not that she has much prose, though. LOL. Her poetry is a bit hard to dive into. Also, it's very gothic, and leaves a somewhat bitter trace in your brain.

I do love mint hot chocolate, though. Where did you get that? Right now I'm fascinated by Kettle Chips--Salt and Pepper flavour.

Horn is a loser. He left his chick for seven years. I would have dumped him.

At February 17, 2005 9:39 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

I want to read The Bell Jar sometime, especially after the stuff you've said about it on your blog. Maybe then I will join the cult of Plath and travel to England to see the plaque outside of her house, and burn effigies of Ted Hughes. Maybe I'll like her poetry more after we have another class on it, especially if Janice is going to talk about the gothic elements.

The mint hot chocolate, like all of my food, is from the Save-Easy. It's After 8 flavoured, but in my opinion tastes much better than the candy. Of course, I lived on After 8 candies during the blackout in November, so that could be why I'm not so into them anymore. I tried Kettle Chips the other day - salt and vinegar - and they were surprisingly delicious.

I agree about Horn. I don't care how tall and "faire" he is, any guy who can abandon a lusty female for seven years is not normal. I would have dumped him too.


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