Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Friday, February 11, 2005

More pictures!!!

Hello. I had a request for more pictures on my blog. So, I've posted these ones of my apartment, for those of you who haven't seen it. I'm sorry that they're not great quality shots, but I took them with my webcam in one hand while holding my laptop in the other, so that focussing etc. was somewhat haphazard. Anyway, it should give you a bit of an idea of what it looks like here. You can see the sparcity of furniture in my living room. I've been using this as an excuse to not have parties here, and now everyone will know that it's true. Besides that, the pictures are pretty self-explanatory.

I should mention that the person who requested more pictures was Jason, a friend of mine from high school that I haven't talked to for 2 years or so. He contacted me today, out of the blue, and we've been chatting and catching up and such. He's been reading my blog and he wanted to see more pictures. I really should put some more up of me, maybe, where I look better than in the ones from the fall, but meh. Someday when I have some I'll put them up. Anyway, my point in this paragraph was that I was really excited to hear from Jason. He was one of my favourite people in high school, and I was sad to have fallen out of touch with him. It sounds like he's doing well now, though, going to film school in Toronto, so I'm really happy for that.

The reason that I'm home tonight and talking to Jason is because I skipped out on improv again. Zenon will probably be mad at me because he's in town again this weekend and I was supposed to meet him there. I suppose this makes me a horrible friend. I'm just flakey with group outings. He'll have to learn that soon if this friendship is going to work.

On the upside, I've been in a really good mood this week and I'm hoping the feeling will continue. You can help by posting a compliment below in yesterday's post. Hee hee. I have to finish marking essays this weekend, though, and read a book of Sylvia Plath poetry, neither of which are really happy-making activities (although I do get to fail one student for plagiarism - that might cheer me up). Also, Ashley has a guest cat staying at her house, and apparently antics have been ensuing. I'm going to stop over there tomorrow (technically later today) and check it out. That should cheer me up after misplaced commas and awkward sentences have gotten me down.

Here is a really fun thing I've come across. Even if you don't like Lord of the Rings (as I don't), it's pretty freakin' hilarious.



At February 13, 2005 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey babe. I can't wait to see you in just FIVE DAYS. I hope that this apartment of yours is warm...

PS - You should look at how comments are posted now.


At February 13, 2005 2:02 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

I've seen how comments are posted now. I've even posted a few myself.

Yay 5 days! Tomorrow it will be 4 days, and then 3, and so on! Yay!

My apartment is very warm. Even if that snowstorm comes that Zenon is calling for, we will be cozy, as long as we don't get bored. Wait, what am I saying? We won't get bored... hee hee... we have almost 7 full seasons of That '70s Show to watch!

At February 13, 2005 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, A lord of the Rings thing that you came across? You found it all by yourself huh? Wow, that is impressive that a friend did have to send you the link. I see what's going on. You steal my cool and claim it? I don't blame you of course, don't worry, there is cool a-plenty to go around

At February 13, 2005 8:05 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

Sorry, Z. I guess I should have referenced you in my blog. I didn't realize that you'd be so craving of attention that you'd complain... but I guess I should have known better. :P

Cool a-plenty, eh? I think that I'm going to use that phrase in conversation soon.


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