Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Friday, February 25, 2005

The exhilarating joy of movement

New Resolution: To dance like no one is watching when there really is no one watching. Last night I locked myself in my study and danced to the songs on the Scrubs soundtrack. It was the most fun I've had in ages. I listen to music on my MP3 player on my way to and from school and when I'm working in the library, but I can't really dance while I listen to it at that time, though I want to. I love to dance. I'm not saying that I have the smoothest moves, because I totally don't, but dancing is about the joy of just moving, the freedom of the music, the experience of your own body. At least, for me it is. I haven't been to an actual dance club in months and months (since September - go 'Vil!), and that means that I haven't been able to get my dance on. Well, that's not entirely true. Last term when I was trying to be healthy and take care of myself (a short-lived experience), I would try to dance as a fun form of aerobics for half an hour a few nights a week. Of course, with this structure and the pressure of getting myself in shape, it wasn't fun. I kept worrying about my heartrate and my moves and whether the neighbours downstairs could hear me jumping around and whether anyone could see in my window. What made last night different was that I danced for the hell of it. I felt like doing it, so I did. I didn't worry about whether my moves would look good on a dancefloor. I wasn't on one, so I just waved my arms around like an idiot and sang into my imaginary microphone to my imaginary audience, and had a great time. I have decided that I need to do this more often, and perhaps add real singing to the mix (though quietly - I don't want the neighbours to hear me).

This dancing was of course just another way of procrastinating my thesis. My thesis is coming along, by the way. I have just 4 pages to go. Of course, it's due today at some point, but 4 pages isn't bad. I'm in much better shape than I was for my first 20 pages in December. I think I wrote about 11 or 15 of those pages on the day it was due. So, 4 isn't bad at all. This blog is procrastination as well. I was working away, but this is my study break.

They were calling for a huge blizzard overnight for tonight, but now the warning has been called off. Andrew and I were looking forward to being snowed in, although really, I don't know why. Really all we've done is hang around the apartment for the most part and played Settlers of Catan. I guess it's just the idea of being snowed in. Oh well. I'm sure we'll have fun with our original plan which was to wander through the little stores downtown and to possibly go to the Clay Ground to paint some pottery. And play more Settlers. Hee hee.

Anyway, that's enough procrastination for now. Maybe I can get another page written before bed.


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