Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Reading Week fun has begun!

Here are some highlights from the past few days: Andrew arrived in Wolfville around 3:15pm Friday. We had tacos for dinner that night while watching a Russell Peters special (wow that guy is funny!). Friday night we watched the movie Hero (I really like this movie, but I slept through 9/10 of it). Yesterday Andrew and I went for a walk, picking up Garden State from Ashley (who was hard at work on her thesis pages, as I should be right now) and checking out the Mother Nature store across the street from her house. Andrew and I wandered through campus and then downtown. Neither of us had watches, which was a somewhat freeing experience. We had dinner at Paddy's (quite tasty) with the good-as-sex cheesecake for dessert (yummy!). We rented movies and hit the grocery store on our way home. We never did watch the movies, as we found that we were both quite worn out after our travels around town, so we've got something to do tonight. This morning Andrew did yoga in my living room while I had quiet time in bed. This was a good arrangement. Today I'm supposed to be doing schoolwork, although I haven't really gotten that far yet.

We have both become addicted to brie cheese and to Tostitos "Hint of Lime" nachoes. We may both be quite a bit fatter by the time this week is done.

That is all I have to say for now. Sorry if this is boring, but I don't quite have the energy to make it interesting right now. My focus is on the thesis pages that I should be writing as I type this.


At February 21, 2005 11:30 AM, Blogger Andrew said...


To me, this is the *best* post I've ever seen on your blog. Dinner at Paddy's? Movies until the early hours of the morning? Heaven can wait - I'm having fun here! Tell me more!

At February 21, 2005 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey heidi,

if it makes you feel any better, i've yet to write a word and it's already tuesday, plus i don't have the boyfriend element (which in my mind can be used to creatively reinterpret all kinds of deadlines...) I think the engrish dept. is both cruel and persnickety doing this to us in the middle of winter -- it seems so arbitrary and useless to me...what a way to spoil our measly break...whaaaaa!

-- Janice

At February 21, 2005 10:36 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

Janice, I agree with your words "persnickety" and "cruel" when describing this deadline. It doesn't make sense to me why it has to fall in the middle of a time when the school is closed. Why not sometime in March, or even April after classes are done? This would make much more sense. I've written about a quarter of what I have to write, with notes for maybe another 3 pages (5 if I blather) so I've still got a lot left to do. Luckily, though, thesis writing gives me my alone time away from Andrew that I crave (I love him, but spending 24/7 with anyone can get tiresome), so that's at least some incentive. Anyway, this is long for a comment, so I'll just finish by saying that I hope your writing goes well over the next few days!

At February 22, 2005 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even remember the last time I wrote a paprt on anything. I really can't. So feel free to write a second thesis to make up for my lack there of.


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