Chronicles of Acadia

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Monday, December 13, 2004

Procrastinating with Penguins and more M-B fun

If you are procrastinating and feel like abusing penguins (but in a fun way that they seem to like) click here. These are fun little time-wasting games. The first begins with a yeti batting a penguin to see how far you can get the penguin to go. In the next one you need to send the penguins into a wall with the help of an orca. And so on. My favourite is the albatross one. The penguins are so cute and good-natured. Thank you to Chris C. for introducing me to this site. This site also other neat games, like Sonic the Hedgehog (yes, the Sega game) and Guess the Bra Size (which I've actually tried, and was relatively good at. I call it experience - experience with bras that is, not with guessing, which I usually don't do).

I found that Myers-Briggs site that I mentioned below with the funny descriptions of the different types. Click here to read about my type, INFJ. After reading about how I'm a total emotional flake ("wounded at the core, easily upset, lonesome, cries easily, loner, discontented, sad, etc."), go to my opposite sign, ESTP. I guess it should come as no surprise that this profile says, "happy, emotionally stable, people person"... since it's my opposite, but come on! These people have to have SOME flaws! Anyway, do the test, find out your type, then let me know what you think of your description. If you're an IN, I bet that you won't like being called a flake. Or heck, you're probably used to it by now, especially if your family has a bunch of ES's in it.

Anyway, I can feel the lack of sleep kicking in as my urge to ramble pointlessly increases, so I'll go find something productive to do at this ungodlyish early hour.


At December 13, 2004 6:42 AM, Blogger Andie W. said...

That is the worst INFJ description ever. "Wounded at the core"? What the hell does that mean? Heidi, do you approve legalization of marijuana? How can it say something so specific as that? What a silly description. I'm an ESFJ, but I'm weak in ES and therefore feel like half IN. So, I'm offended, too. I read the other IN descriptions and I think that person has a problem with INs. We should start a smear campaign against that person. The description of ESTP sounds bloody annoying. Anything that has CEO as a possible career is evil in my mind.

At December 14, 2004 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I'm an ESFJ as well, those other ES's are certainly bloody annoying. I'm all for the smearing!!!

At December 14, 2004 8:56 PM, Blogger Andrew said...

Well, well. I also did the Myers-Briggs test and found that I'm an ESFJ. Or an ESTJ - my 'Feeling' and 'Thinking' components are balanced 50-50. I wonder why Heidi is dating me? My guess is that her true happy, outgoing nature - her own ESFJ, you could say - is trying to get out...

At December 16, 2004 12:28 AM, Blogger Heidi said...

As an INFJ, I have no happy, outgoing side. I am a gaping emotional wound, and if I weren't such a loner I'd suck everyone into my hole with me. Didn't you read the profile? I'm dating an ESFJ because...I don't know... why AM I dating an ES type? I guess to provide balance to the overwhelming number of N types I meet in my line of scholarship... it's good to know at least one or two people with their feet on the ground. That's my best hypothesis, anyway. Besides, according to these descriptions, ES types are perfect... who can resist that? Certainly not my stability-seeking-easily-upset-cries-alot-self.

By the way, who was it that posted anonymously above? I'm curious.

At December 21, 2004 12:11 PM, Blogger glasstiger said...


I know how you feel. I wrote the Myers Briggs test yesterday and was an INFJ. I read the description today and actually spent an hour crying. Now I feel as though all my efforts in life are futile and that I will always be alone and "wounded at the core." You are not alone! I'm going to invent the "Byers Miggs" bizzaro alterna-test that valorizes the "IN"'s.


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