Chronicles of Acadia

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Friday, December 10, 2004

Myers-Briggs test results

Ok, I still haven't started on the nachoes. Well, I got them out of the cupboard. What I've done instead is another Myers-Briggs type test thing. I know I said before that I'm an INFJ. Well, I keep coming back borderline between INFJ and INFP. I mean, I like schedules so you know what's going on, but I like them to be flexible and open to new suggestions. Anyway. So I just did this new test, which said that I'm actually an INFP, but I would like to be an INFJ. It also said that I'm attracted to INFP's. This last part is definitely true. I can think of multiple people who are close to me who are INFP's, and some that probably are but who haven't done the test. Oh, on that note, to do the test, click
here. The one I just did is the 144 question Jung test, which tells you preferences, etc. There are more basic ones there too. Post your results in the comments section below. I'm curious to see how everyone scores.

The reason that I would like to solve this INFP/INFJ dilemma is so that a) I get better self-definition and b) because each one has a different dominant/auxilliary and weakest function, and I'd like to know those. Part of the reason that I self-define as an INFJ is because their weakest function is extraverted sensing, and I definitely feel that this is true. INFP's weakest function is thinking, but I feel like I have an OK handle on logic. It's concrete, detailed, actual stuff going on around me that I have problems with. This is why it's probably good that I no longer have a car to drive. My internal world is too strong and often cuts off my access to the outside one. Which I don't usually mind, actually, because my internal world is usually more fun anyway.

If I can find it, I will post a link to another Myers-Briggs site that has "interesting" descriptions of the various types. There seems to be a definite bias against introverts and/or intuitives there. It's actually quite funny. Anyway, once I find it I will post a link.

Now go do the test!


At December 10, 2004 9:35 PM, Blogger David Alexander said...

Hey Heidi,
I'm ENFP and the test called me a Journalist and said I had an "uncanny sense of the motivations of others". I was probably INFP in high school. And I think I'd rather have the INFP jobs, but oh well.
PS: Tudor says hi.


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