Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

A kink in the plans

I am so good at planning. For the upcoming move, I have lists galore, ideas of what to pack and how, plans for the route and activities along the way... it is all coming together. I was even marvelling at how little I had that I wanted to pack. It all seemed too good to be true. And it was. Today I did a test run with my big packing bin. Turns out, it does fit into the trunk of the car as I was hoping. However, it also turns out that that is all that fits into the trunk of the car. As always, packing space in my head was larger than it appears in real life. Assuming that I have to leave the backseat for Zenon's stuff, that means that I have very little room to pack enough stuff to start a new life with. This could take some more planning...

In other news, my planning and packing has fallen a bit behind this week because I've come down with a nasty head cold. For a couple of days it felt like there was an elephant standing on my sinuses, but I think that I'm on the upswing now. I have to be on the upswing, because Zenon is arriving on Saturday (!) and I have to be well enough to pick him up from the airport.

Hmmm... not much else to say. Life with a 4 year old around continues to be entertaining. Tomorrow is my last day of work until I find something new in Fort McMurray. I like cheese. A crochet hook is all that stands between me and finishing the fringe on Gillian's scarf. Life is good. Now it's time for tea.


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