Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Monday, October 24, 2005


So, it's been an interesting couple of days. Friday was my last day at work, and I was probably the most hyper that I've been in years. I couldn't sit still or stop humming. Luckily, partway through the morning I had a new person to train, so that helped me to calm down, because I wasn't going to make it through the day otherwise. Saturday morning I picked up Zenon from the airport. It was a bit of a harrowing drive, but all went well. I brought him home to meet my family, and it seemed to go well. We watched a movie cuddled up on the couch with Anie, who wouldn't leave my side. After dinner my sister and her family left for Tim's parents' house, and Zen and I watched another movie before bed.

Yesterday morning we joined my Dad on the coffee tour so that Zen could meet some of my relatives. We didn't see as many as we thought we would, but enough so that word will spread that Zenon actually exists. Today was an exciting day, at least for me. I finally got the last wire off of my teeth from having braces years ago, and I picked up my new glasses. Everything is so clear to me now, and my teeth feel so smooth! It's been a good day, made better by the fact that my Mom made Zenon's favourite pie for dessert. Mmmm.... pie. Tomorrow we are planning on doing some touring. Zenon wants to see the CN Tower and Niagara Falls etc since we are in the area.

Having Zenon here has felt different than I expected. It has made me realize that our crazy scheme is actually real and actually happening. I have learned that in my head, "moving to Alberta with my boyfriend of only a few months" was a great story to tell people, but that I didn't actually believe it was going to happen. Well, now I have to face the fact that I'm going to the true Great White North and not returning for quite some time - I am figuring that it will probably be 6 months before I am back. People at work kept telling me that I was brave for following this crazy scheme, and I always just replied, "Meh." But, now I'm seeing that they were right - this is a very scary step that we're taking.

I will try to post pictures of me in my new glasses soon - possibly from our excursions in the next few days.


At October 25, 2005 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i saw you


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