Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Announcement, or, why Heidi has been a stress case lately

Zen and I are heading for Alberta by the end of the month. He is flying in on the 22nd, and we are leaving probably the next weekend. So, I don't have very long to make last visits and last goodbyes and to get things done and to unpack and repack and organize and do stuff and to make lists and check things off my lists and to go crazy, which is perhaps for the best. I have been spending my evenings sewing Christmas ornaments (they are very cute - I will have to post a picture), which isn't the most productive use of my time all things considered, but is the funnest. I have the week off work between when Zenon arrives and we leave, so that is all good. I am planning to do the majority of my packing then.

I was reading Reader's Digest today at work, and it was talking about Canadians and sex. The average number of times that a Canadian has sex per year is 99. The Quebecois have sex 107 times per year on average, while the Atlantic provinces come in second in frequency at 106. Ontario is the second lowest at 95 times per year, so I am happy to be dating a Maritimer. Maybe he can help me boost my numbers, once we are together again. The article broke the numbers down in other ways too. The age group having the most sex is the 21-24 year old one, which isn't a surprise. 16-20 year olds are a close second, and then comes my age group, quite a bit lower. I guess that I have passed the prime time for sex in my life. *Sigh* Another interesting fact is that married couples have the least sex by frequency at 95 times per year. People living common-law have sex 127 times per year (yahoo!) while single people have sex 99 times per year. The moral of this story: don't get married and don't get old (the over 45 age group has a lot less sex than anyone else).

Nothing else to say. Work has been fun. We have a new girl who started this week. I need to bake something tonight to take into work tomorrow for a food day. I cut myself with my utility knife (this didn't happen at work). Life goes on.


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