Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Brief Update

I have been too busy to post anything for a few days. Here is a brief update:

I got my hair cut. This was a relief since my hair previously could not be combed. Now it can. It has been "texturized", which means that there is a lot less of it and now it goes curly on its own, or at least wavy. This is fun.

I got a bunch of pictures back showing various sights in Wolfville. I will try to scan them in and post them sometime this week. Looking at these pictures, all which have me with blonde hair, I can see why Janice says that I look better with brown. But, I will let you be the judge of that.

My boyfriend is a heavy lump of saying the wrong thing. But he makes me laugh so much that I can't stay mad at him.

Yesterday was Taves Christmas. It was fun. I spent most of the day with Anie. We had a good time. Lots of good food, and she got some fun presents.

I went Christmas shopping on Saturday. I stll have so much to do. If my family were different, I'd buy them all an oiled penguin cleaning (see below), but they don't share my obsession with these flightless birds. Anyway. Christmas shopping will be tricky this week, when everyone is in a state of last minute panic. However, I always live my life in a state of last minute panic (notice how I'm carefully NOT mentioning my assignments?), so I think I'll be fine.

Not much else has happened. I've done some lazing around, some cookie baking, some essay writing, etc. I'll post the pictures later.


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