Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

What I learned today

So, what I learned today is that while I always thought that I'd seen the entire series finale for Degrassi High, I had in fact only seen the first half. It is possible that I was young enough when it first aired to have a bedtime, and thus missed the final exciting moments of the series. Rest assured, dear readers, that this oversight has now been corrected. Not only that, but I have spent the last two days catching up on Degrassi: The Next Generation episodes that I missed while in Nova Scotia and here (since the satellite for the TV here still isn't hooked up). While an entire weekend spent in pajamas may seem like a lazy one, or one with a lot of wasted time, it felt damn good to do it.

In other news, the new job is going OK. I think that I'll like it enough once I'm fully trained. There's no part of it that seems terribly horrible, although carrying the after hours cell phone all the time is annoying. For those of you who are wondering, I am working as the Shell Administrator for a fuel distribution company.

What else can I tell you? I was infected with my first bit of Christmas spirit this morning. I was laying in bed eating clementines and chocolate while watching Degrassi episodes, and it suddenly felt like Christmas time to me. It made me realize how much I am still a university student at heart, as it was the idleness of just being able to watch TV like that without thinking of other things that I should be doing instead that really made it feel like Christmas. For the first time since I got here, I regretted not continuing with school. On the other hand, I get my first paycheque in over a month and a half on Thursday of this week. I have been counting down the days. Being able to actually afford things is a treat that I'm really looking forward to.

Not much else to say right now. I feel like I should have a lot more to tell you, but I have been feeling un-wordy lately. Perhaps it is the atmosphere up here.


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