Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Saturday, January 22, 2005


I've noticed that sleep seems to act as a calibrating system-check sort of thing, so that a good night's sleep leaves you feeling more like yourself, while a lack of sleep throws everything out of whack. I am pleased to announce my return to the sleeping world, at least for now. What made the change, you ask? Drugs? Milk? Meditation? No, no and no. The answer was so simple that it was staring me in the face the whole time: Beatles. I got a Beatles CD for Christmas that I haven't listened to nearly enough (Revolver, for those in the know), so I played it on my laptop with some soothing Winamp visualizations made fullscreen. It didn't work right away, but Beatles music always brings me back to myself, so when I did fall asleep, there were no nightmares. When I got home from school yesterday, I slept for an additional 5 hours or so, and it was the deepest, best, most enjoyable sleep that I've had in a very long time. Now my sleeping pattern is totally messed up, of course, but I don't care. I feel so much better! One might say... recalibrated... This morning I felt like Hyde looks in episode 611 of That '70s Show (entitled "I Can See for Miles") when Jackie re-does his room. Hyde describes climbing into his bed with the new comforter like "climbing into a mama kangaroo". That's how good my bed has felt for the past 24 hours. I woke up feeling relaxed and ambitious. The ambition didn't amount to much, but the relaxation sure felt nice.

They're calling for another blizzard tomorrow. This is a change - a winter that's actually a winter. I got groceries today in preparation, and also because I needed milk and Quaker Oat Squares (guess what I had for dinner!). Not having a car is so freeing. I can hear these forecasts, and my main concern is how long it will take me to make it up the hill from school, and not dying because my car hit black ice, skidded across the median and into a transport truck (sometimes my imagination runs away with me). Also, my current lifestyle has me leaving the house a lot less than my previous one did, so snowstorms glance off of me. As well, I have the love scarf to keep me warm.

I wrote a poem last night. I've decided not to post it, for various reasons. I'm pretty happy with it, but I haven't had any second opinions, and I haven't been sleeping, so I could be totally wrong. Anyway, writing a poem felt good.

Hmmmm... not much else to say for the moment. I've watched a lot of Family Guy today. That's been fun, although probably not the best way to spend my day. Oh well. I also did dishes, so I was somewhat productive. There's still tomorrow left to catch up on life and responsibilities. I have a To Do list... that's half the battle right there.


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