Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Monday, January 17, 2005

If I had hatches, they'd be battened

Zenon warned me last night that they were calling for "the storm of the century" in the Maritimes for last night and today. I had heard no such thing and didn't believe him, but it turns out it's true. It looks like we got the 30+ centimetres of snow that they were calling for. My balcony is half-filled with snow and I have no shovel and no broom to remove it with. The upside to this proliferation of snow is that the university is closed, so I have a free day to do the laundry that I forgot to do yesterday. It makes me really glad that I went out so much (for me) this weekend because now I don't have class until Thursday. I'm going to feel a bit at loose ends, I think. Oh well.

I don't have much else to say. Since I don't have to leave my apartment, I don't really care about the storm as long as the power stays on. I don't want another blackout like in November. I do have lots of food, though (thank you Zenon for taking me grocery shopping on Saturday) and still lots of candles and bottled water from the previous storm experience.

So, I'm going to sign off now. Maybe I'll play some more guitar today. I'm feeling inspired after Saturday's musicfest at Ross' house. But first, Cheerios!


At January 17, 2005 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are getting inspried by things at Ross' place? This is not a good thing. There are inflatable scantily clad green aliens at there wedding getting there picture taken with the drunked blow up ghost best friend. Am i the only one here that thinks it is best to forget what happens in this place?

Posted by Z-Money

At January 17, 2005 9:14 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

Good idea Tudor! The other neat thing about storms here is that it's so windy, so the snow forms neat patterns like sand in a desert. I will try to take a picture tomorrow, if I can, when it's daylight. If I'm successful, I'll post the results here.

P.S. How are you? What are you up to these days?


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