Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Now I know why they write songs about it

Last night I had my first taste of strawberry wine. It was homemade, and I hate wine, so I didn't know what to expect. However, it was delicious. It was like strawberry juice, but with a bit of a kick. The others thought that it was a little too sweet, but I liked it a lot. My night last night also consisted of the delights of Family Guy, Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (it had been soooooo long since I'd seen one of these. Andrew doesn't like them. I watched Pod People last night. Good times) and the movie Napoleon Dynamite. This last one I hadn't seen before. I'm not sure if I liked it. I think that were I to see it again, I'd think it was hilarious. As it was, it was just... an experience.

I was going to write more about my time yesterday, but I'm actually quite exhausted from all the social time I've been having lately. Suffice to say, I really like listening to people playing guitars, especially when they can play Simon and Garfunkel songs. Also, boys are weird. Girls wouldn't think to dress up the inflatable aliens in thongs and halter tops made out of dish cloths, with breasts made of socks... or at least not most of the girls that I know. However, weirdness can be quite entertaining. I laughed much more last night than I do when I spend the night alone in my apartment.

Why has no one answered my question about how they experience thought? I thought that it was such a great question that would spawn a lot of discussion. Speaking of which, I'd like to modify my answer. I do experience thoughts mainly on the impression level, but I also always have a running commentary of words in my head. I narrate most events in my life as they happen, and then narrate them after the fact to imaginary audiences. When I was little, I thought that this was proof that I was meant to be a writer. Now I think it's proof that I think about things too much instead of just letting them happen as they happen.

Anyway. Vote for Pedro.


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