Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

My day: more snow, no sleep

This will just be a quick entry because I feel kind of yucky. I've been having a lot of problems sleeping lately, which pretty much never happens to me unless I have more than one essay due at a time, which I don't right now. Does anyone have any suggestions for sleeping aids? I've never needed one before. Ashley suggested valerian, which I will look for at the pharmacy tomorrow. I've discovered that compensating for lack of sleep with caffeine makes me feel like I have superpowers. That was a fun discovery. However, the superpowers only last for a short while, only to be replaced with my usual caffeine tummyache. Oh well. They're still fun!

We got even more snow today - they were calling for another 15cm. I'm not sure how much we ended up getting, eventually, but they ended up shutting the school down again. This time, however, they didn't shut it down until 3pm, by which time it was too late for me to benefit from it. It's snowing again now, too, though not as heavily as earlier. I wasn't sure that I was going to make it up the hill this afternoon as the sidewalks had yet to be plowed. However, after three breaks to catch my breath, I made it home and collapsed into bed. Secretly, I enjoy the winter weather as it gives me a chance to bundle up and to feel smug at how warm I feel compared to the other vain people who don't wear hats or mittens. Plus, it's just fun to wear a red hat with a pom-pom on it. I've been considering getting, or else improvising out of readily available materials, a sled to ride to school. When the sidewalks are snowy, it would save me time and energy to toboggan to school. Plus, you can't forget the fun factor.

Got to talk to my little niece again today. She asked me when I was coming back to Grandma and Grandpa's house (my parents' house in Ontario) from my trip. I told her not until the spring, after the snow melts. She told me that she couldn't wait that long. We blew each other kisses over the webcam. I'm sorry to talk so much about my niece, but these moments are really important to me, so I want to talk about them. My parents sent me a video they made of Anie singing "Twinkle Twinkle" so I can watch it whenever I miss her. Maybe then I'll talk about her less.

Hmmmm... I had other things to say, but I can't remember them now - one of the problems with not sleeping. Meh, oh well.


At January 21, 2005 12:02 AM, Blogger Margatron said...

Drink milk, it has a natural "sleepiness" chemical in it.

At January 21, 2005 12:12 AM, Blogger Heidi said...

I'm out of milk, actually. I couldn't get to the grocery store because of the snow. I will try it tomorrow night. Thanks :)


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