Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Insert Title Here

This webcomic thing has become an obsession. Not only do I read and re-read Questionable Content all the time, but I am branching out in new directions. I have also found that I like Wigu because of its wackiness, and Fallen because it is like reading a fantasy/sci-fi novel, but it's in a comic form instead. I think I'd like it better if it were a novel with pictures, but it's still pretty neat. I am almost looking forward to school picking up. I've been feeling a bit at loose ends lately, which explains the webcomics. However, the books are in for my Monday class, so I can begin my reading tomorrow, and tomorrow I also start my second class, so I will have stuff to do after that too.

I had other stuff to say when I started posting, but now I forget it. Oh. I have an interesting question to ask everyone. How do you think? As in, how do you experience your thoughts? Do they come to you as words, images, feelings, a combination, none of the above? I'm curious about this, and about if people actually experience thought in different ways. I think primarily in undefined meanings or impressions, and then words. That is, most of my thoughts are not worded, I just experience them as their meaning, if that makes sense. Once I examine them, or need to communicate them, they become words. This means that sometimes it is hard for me to express myself because I'm making verbal things that I experience in a non-worded fashion. Does any of this make sense? I thought of this the other day and have forgotten to bring it up since.

Hmmmm... not much else to say. I met Ashley's cat the other day, and I seemed to have passed the cat test. Ashley says that her cat liked me, which is important because she trusts her cats' readings of people. Her other cat is coming in February, and I'm excited because she says that the other one is a cuddlebug (my word, not hers). Since my break included a large amount of cuddling, I've been feeling sadly bereft of this activity since my return. Cat-cuddling sounds like just the thing I need, at least until Andrew comes to visit.

I think I've used up all the material that I've garnered living as a shut-in lately, so let me know how you experience thought, and maybe we can have some interesting conversations.


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