Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Monday, January 03, 2005

I'm hungry

Today is Monday. On Friday I leave to return to Nova Scotia. Even though my holiday was almost a month long, it feels like it went so quickly. At the same time, it feels like forever since I was in Nova Scotia. I feel like I dreamt the whole NS experience. I'm not excited about going back. It's just been so great to be here with my family and spending so much time with Andrew. It's going to be difficult to go back to my loner's life again. I'm also really not looking forward to going back to class. I'm not really excited about my courses this term (Medieval Lit and Confessional Poetry) and I've discovered that I'm lazy at heart. I've also been in university for 5 and 1/2 years straight, doing the same things, writing the same essays, and I'm ready to do something else. I don't know what that something else might be, but oh well.

On the bright side, this is what I'm looking forward to getting back to:
  • high-speed internet
  • lots of Heidi time
  • the hill (I complain about it a lot, but it keeps me in shape. I've become a blob over Christmas)
  • the other English girls
  • Quaker Oat Squares (my favourite cereal ever)
  • garlic and basil rice stir-fry
  • my double bed (here I sleep in a single bed or else share a futon with Andrew - neither of which options offer the luxury of my Nova Scotian double bed shared only with books)
  • lots of pajama days
  • my plants

I saw the movie Spanglish last night with my Mom. It was enjoyable, of course. It was actually a bit better than I was expecting, although fairly predictable. My Mom liked it a lot, and thought that it was better than Closer, but I liked Closer a lot more. It all depends what kind of movie you're in the market for. My Mom likes the feel-good fluffy family movies best, and while I do enjoy those movies too, I prefer movies with substance that make me think, like Closer.

Today I am planning on taking some book time for myself. I have done surprisingly little reading over the break. I have two books with me to choose between: Rebecca and Priestess of Avalon. I got the first one at a "Buy two used books get one free" sale. I was very excited about it. The second one I got for my birthday a couple of years ago, but have never found the time to read. Priestess is a large hardcover book, so I feel like I should sit down and do some heavy-duty reading this week to finish it, because there is no way that I can fit it in my bag to take to Nova Scotia, but the jury is still out.

I don't have much else to say. I will probably write more in a bit, since I am trapped in Andrew's room. He is having a meeting in his living room, and since I was lazy this morning, I am still in my pjs and have not showered, so I am putting off leaving his bedroom for as long as possible. Luckily, I have books, a laptop, and internet, so I will be fine. I also have a dark chocolate bar (it's the one that I lost after Christmas, for those of you who heard my anguished screams over it. My Mom found it under the couch, bless her). OK. Bye.


At January 03, 2005 3:57 PM, Blogger Andie W. said...

I agree. Our last semester seems like a dream. But I am also looking forward to going back and seeing everyone. I'm not terribly keen on the courses either. For two reasons: Poetry blech and bad honours students! I'm not terribly good with poetry and I don't want to take the class with the honours students. I like our group... I hates changes I do!

Anyway, I will be home tomorrow with my cat. So, call me when you get in on Friday or call my Saturday and we will chat it up. See you soon! :)

At January 05, 2005 10:16 PM, Blogger David Alexander said...

Gotta have Quaker Oat Squares.


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