Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Just an Update

Hello. I just thought I'd post something. Not much has been going on lately. Monday was indeed another snow day, so we're now two weeks behind in my confessional poetry class. These snow storms are neat.

I saw the new Topher Grace movie, In Good Company. It was as good as I expected. As I said to Gillian, it was good enough to see in theatres, but not so good that it would be bad to wait until it comes out on video. I'm a big Topher Grace fan, though, as you probably guessed from my That '70s Show obsession, so I just liked being able to stare at him for 2 hours. My next big movie plan is Garden State, which I'm planning on watching tomorrow.

Today I went to Paddy's for some pints with the A's - Ashley and Andrea. It was fun. We had some cajun pizza (very yummy) and I splurged on the good-as-sex chocolate mousse cheesecake thing that Andrew and I discovered when he was here in September. I was happy to be out of the apartment and getting some fresh air and exercise, as well as pints and social time. It was good all round.

Tonight I need to finish reading another Arthurian romance by Chrétien de Troyes. This one is Erec and Enide. It's better than Lancelot was... this one reads kind of like a Harlequin with more battling knights. Quite enjoyable, as Arthurian romances go.


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