Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Saturday, January 29, 2005

I like Fridays

Fridays are fast becoming my favourite day of the week. Two weeks ago I posted about another fun Friday with warm temperatures and amusing parties. Last Friday I got my first decent night's sleep in over a week. Yesterday was even better than either of those two previous Fridays. First it consisted of a lot of gossip time in the office with Ashley, and the news that my next dose of OSAP is in earlier than I'd expected. Then, there were plans to take in improv in the evening, though as it ends up, Ashley and I were late, and the improv room was too loud for us to go into (we don't like loud, especially when it's already in progress) so we went upstairs and sat around the SUB enjoying more chatting time as we waited for improv to end so that we could meet up with people and grab some pints or something.

Eventually we realized that we must have missed everyone leaving, so Ashley and I went to Paddy's and had some pints on our own. Anyone who knows me at all knows how sensitive I am to any sort of chemical - alcohol, caffeine, sugar, cocaine, etc - so I have to be really careful about how much I consume. Last night I struck the heady balance, so that I sustained a buzz for about 5 hours. It started with sugar in the SUB while we were waiting, and then was continued by a pint at Paddy's and a pint at the Library Pub, and then a gin and tonic back at my place. I was hilarious the whole time. It was a sustained giddiness that I managed to transmit to Ashley. So much giggling... hee hee hee... good times.

Zenon and Ross met us at the Library Pub for a pint, and then we ended up going back to my place to play games. The awesomest part of last night, the point at which my giddiness reached such a level that I thought I would explode, is when Ross said, "Let's play Frustration!" I have never heard of this game outside of my family. It is one that I was hoping to teach to Ashley someday, since it is one of my favourite card games ever. When Ross said this, I jumped up and raced into the study, where I had the rules written down on a piece of paper. My Mom did this for me when she helped me move in, so that I could teach new people how to play it. To have found friends who were ready-made Frustration players seemed too good to be true. We only ended up playing about 5 rounds of it, though, before Ashley and I decided that we wanted to move on to Trivial Pursuit. Frustration is fun, but it was a little too detailed for my substance-befogged mind last night. I was excited just to have had the opportunity to play it with people that I'm not related to, or to play it at all, really.

Trivial Pursuit went well. Zenon and I won, and by "won" I mean "totally kicked butt". This was mostly Zenon's doing, admittedly, although I did answer a couple (listen to me being so humble... that's a strange change). I liked having a partner who could answer the sports questions.

The other fun thing about last night is that I got to use my teapot. I don't often get this chance, because I usually only make tea for me, or at most one other person. However, last night the teapot came out and we all partook of some homegrown peppermint tea... yummy! Last night there were the most people in my apartment that there have ever been since I moved in. Ashley and Zenon had to sit on lawn chairs. Their heads were even with my table. It was funny.

Today's plans aren't too exciting... homework, dishes, laundry, etc. The usual. It's a really sunny day, and it seems to be a bit warmer than it has been the past few days, so I might have to get out for a walk later. Some of the other English girls are going to a dance club in Kentville tonight, but as I spent all my money on pints last night, and groceries yesterday afternoon, I think that I'm going to sit this one out, which is sad. Oh well. I can have a private dance party in my living room. There's always lots of room on my dancefloor. Care to join me?


At January 31, 2005 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yeah, it is good that that IQ tests said you were so smart, their opinion really came in handy as I carried our team to a heroic victory!!!

Vive La Ignorance!!!

At January 31, 2005 3:05 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

And you wonder why I call you mouthy...


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