Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Explanation of the "Hot Hot Hot" Post

Just to make it clear, the post entitled "My Boyfriend is Hot Hot Hot" was not created by me. It was made by Andrew. I left him alone with my laptop (while I was making lunch for the two of us... Now I know why he was so insistent that I be the one to make it) which has my password saved, and he did this post. I did not find this out until much later, and I decided to leave it there for humour value. My boyfriend is cheesey and does things like quote songs on people's blogs. He also has a tendency to say really... unique and humourous (for all the wrong reasons) things. However, he told me that I don't mention him enough on my blog and I don't post enough nice things about him. So, I promised that I would say that he has a nice butt (which is true - very shapely) and something else, but I don't remember what it was. I will say that for all of his geekiness he is very sweet and I am very lucky to have him as my boyfriend. He is one of my favourite people to hang out with because he always makes me laugh.

That's enough of that. The Christmas season is making me mushy. I need to move on. I have nothing else to say for right now, except that I really like my new haircut. But that's all.


At December 22, 2004 11:10 PM, Blogger Andrew said...

You forgot to mention that he loves you very much, because you are beautiful and talented and brilliant and lots of fun to be with. And you're a geek, which is a good thing, because I'm a Waterloo student and really like geeks a whole lot.

He even likes the fun things that you say even if they're ... what was it? Unique and for the wrong reasons? He already misses you, he thinks as he sits and drinks his absolutely revolting American beer, even if you don't call to make sure that he made it to Nashville OK (he did, even though one of his flights was delayed), or if you spend a greater time burning him in your last post than you actually did saying nice things (thanks about the butt compliment, though!)

You know, though, you can always just remove the hot! hot! hot! post, whenever you want. But, we all know the reason you're not doing that (because you know it's too true to delete). ;)

I miss you. I will see you soon! My sister just told me she's engaged so I have to go now.

At December 23, 2004 4:21 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

I didn't call you because you were in Nashville and I don't know the number there. I figured that you would have called me if something went wrong, or else that your family would have called me if something went really wrong.

Congratulations to your sister and Toshia!!! That's really great!

I think it's misleading to call me a geek. People might actually believe you. And, as I mentioned above, I kept the Hot hot hot post for its laugh value, and because even if I deleted it, you'd probably put it back again, just like you did before.

At December 23, 2004 11:37 PM, Blogger Andrew said...

Taves, Taves, Taves. You are indeed, such a geek. In fact, you are a multiple geek. Examples:

1.You are a self-proclaimed English geek. I almost bought you the Trivial Pursuit Book Lover's Edition for Christas tonight, but then decided that it would only act as a deterrent from my ever playing a game with you.

2. You are a That 70s Show geek. To the point where it's becoe contagious. I can not count the number of times in the last week I have said "... and on this other episode of That 70s Show..." Geek.

3. You are an amateur video game geek, Ms. let's play Halo on the last day before her boyfriend leaves for Nashville.

Long story short - I miss you, you big geek!

Oh, and speaking of That 70s Show, Topher Grace is in Ocean's Twelve. As himself. And it is freaking hilarious.


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