Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Friday, November 26, 2004

Bridget Jones' Diary 2

As planned, we went to see the movie in New Minas. We saw the second Bridget Jones movie. It was about as good as I expected, and in some places better. Some parts were really funny and others quite heartwarming, of course. It was the most humour and the most heartwarmingness that I've had in a long time, besides from That 70's Show. And, more importantly, we went out for dinner! I had a burger! And orange pop. Mmmmm.... And after the movie, (and this is the most exciting part) WE WENT TO DAIRY QUEEN!!! FOR ICE CREAM!!!! I had a dipped cone because I was actually still full from eating meat and warm food that was not prepared by me.

The social part of it was good too. It was us five English MA girls, and then two other friends of Janice's. It was cool to just, well, do something social first of all that didn't involve the phone or the internet, and also to hang out with these girls and not talk about school. I feel like I was kind of quirkily humourous in a good way, which was neat. I don't often get the opportunity to be quirky these days, and I like being reminded of that side of myself.

I'm sleepy from all this social interaction, so I'll stop here. I might have more to say later, though. (Knowing me, of course I'll have more to say). I'll go to my dreams of ice cream... oh how I've missed it...


At November 28, 2004 7:03 PM, Blogger Andrew said...

You realize that this does little to dispel the ice cream myth, Heidi. I was right, I was ri-iiight...

Glad to hear that you have some sort of social community out there. I just hope that it's not all Andrew-bashing.


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