Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Random Thoughts

Today the weather was yucky. It was warm, but rained all day and was so windy. That's the thing about living near the water - there is so much more wind. I'll have to take a picture of the pile of branches beneath one of the trees outside of my apartment building. These storms have really taken a toll. As a result of today's weather, I stayed in the apartment all day. I had a bath (the perfect thing to do on a blustery day) and read part of Huckleberry Finn. The class I'm TAing for is studying it in class so I figured that I'd better read it. I read it when I was younger (although I don't know if I ever made it all the way through - Dad, do you remember? We read it together) but I don't remember much. I also did some cleaning - I did the dishes and vacuumed and... well, that's all so far, but I have big plans for the evening. Oh, and I checked my bank balance for the first time in a really long time, and it's looking better than I thought, which is encouraging. I do much less impulse buying here than I do in Ontario since there's not much to impulse buy (although it is important to note that I have avoided the used bookstores in town so far).

Last night I started one of my last three essays. I am quite encouraged by how it went. I am already on the fourth of 10-12 pages, and I don't even have quotations yet and have only talked about a third of what I want to. This essay is talking about the discourse of law as it used in British Family Law of the 20th Century. I'm looking at how the law's ideology about marriage gets imposed on the citizens, and about how this is problematic. It will sound a lot better in essay form, or so I'm counting on to pass. I'm planning on writing at least another four pages tonight, and hoping to get it done by Monday.

Oh, and good news! I found out yesterday that my thesis proposal passed this time! Thank God! So I'm on track to do my 20-30 pages for December 20. And, I've booked my flight home. I'll be home the evening of December 9. I'm hoping that I've left myself enough time to pack, etc. I should be OK.

Tomorrow night the other English girls and I are planning on taking in a movie in New Minas. We're seeing the sequel to Bridget Jones' Diary (not my choice, but it should be OK). That should be fun. It will be my first time inside of a car for a month. Crap, why did I mention cars? It made me remember how I don't have one anymore. Oh well.

My favourite CD right now: the soundtrack to The English Patient. I've recently remembered how much I like it and it's been on constant rotation ever since. This is also a good book that I might have to re-read while I'm home at Christmas (important note: the book is much better than the movie. If you read the book first, don't watch the movie).

Anyway. I should get back to my law essay. *Sigh* Off I go!


At April 25, 2005 10:35 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Oooo! I LOVE that soundtrack! You can often find me swinging around my kitchen sing "cheek to cheek"--and the instrumentals are so moving. You might also want to check out the soundtracks to Carrington, Braveheart, and Schindler's List for similar (to me, anyway) stuff.


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