Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

List of random things

1. How I feel about my new job: Good. I like it.
2. Startling realization I had the other day: I am happy here. I love living with Zenon, and only wish that we had more time together, and my new job is quite enjoyable.
3. Preferred taco seasoning: Old El Paso. I tried mixing the PC brand of taco seasoning with sour cream last night, and it just wasn't as good.
4. Plans for the weekend: A trip to Edmonton and the West Edmonton Mall.
5. Happy thing that happened today: I got paid!!!!
6. Most startling recent change in perception: -11 is now "warm".
7. Number of plants I own: 4
8. Days until we have TV again: 1
9. Time I get off work tomorrow: 2pm
10. Other startling realization I had recently: It no longer feels exotic to be in Alberta. I'm starting to feel at home here.
11. Not-so-secret desire: To have our own place. Zen and I want to get an apartment. Sharing the house is a little stressful.
12. Secret confession: I'm running out of things to put on this list.
13. Favour I'd like you to do for me: If you see Billy Peddle, tell him I want tea!


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