Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Friday, June 03, 2005

How to communicate with me

Ashley's boyfriend Derek did a fun workshop at his job that talked about different communication styles. The program was called DISC, which each letter standing for a different communication style. I haven't done the quiz, but from reading the descriptions, I'm an S. I will post what that means here.

S. – Steady stable:

They are good listeners, team players, possessive, steady, predictable, understanding and friendly.
They are reliable and dependable. Compliant toward authority. Patient and sympathetic. Good at reconciling conflict.
They resist change, take a long time to adjust to change, hold grudges, are sensitive to criticism, and have trouble establishing priorities.
Their fear is loss of security.
They are motivated by recognition for loyalty and dependability and safety and security.
To communicate with: create favourable, personal and agreeable environment. Express genuine interest in them. Answer how questions. Be patient. Present ideas or departures from current practices in a non-threatening manner. Define goals.
Do not be pushy, overly aggressive or demanding or too confrontational.
Ss can be outwardly agreeable but inwardly unyielding.

Ashley highlighted this last sentence for me, probably because she thought it was particularly apt, which it is. I'm posting this as a guidline, in case I ever start communicating with people again (although I'm back to really liking this solitary life now). The fear of change thing is true - it takes me a while to get used to new ideas, but eventually I like them. I'm not good with things being sprung on me last minute. I need to ruminate. I hate being called predictable, but I suppose it's true. I comfort myself with saying that another word for predictable is dependable. The part about pushy people is true too - aggressiveness makes me withdraw and put up barriers. I get really really uncomfortable.

I think that thinking about the different ways that people communicate is interesting. It's such a common sense idea - that people communicate differently - but it's one that I don't think gets talked about enough.


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